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Friday 23 July 2021



101. The Eight-fold path was enunciated by

(a) The Buddha

(b) Mahavira

(c) Nehru

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: (a)

102. The Svetambara Jains were

(a) clad in white

(b) clad in black

(c) clad in red

(d) saffron clad

Ans: (a)

103. The Buddha

(a) rejected the theory of Karma

(b) was non-committal on the theory of Karma

(c) believed in the theory of Karma

(d) suggested an alternative to the theory of Karma

Ans: (c)

104. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in

(a) Sanskrit

(b) Pali

(c) Tibetan

(d) Not written in any language but orally transmitted

Ans: (b)

105. The first Buddhist Council was held at

(a) Lumbini

(b) Kapilavastu

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Avanti

Ans: (c)

106. Ashoka was much influenced by Buddhist monk called

(a) Upagupta

(b) Vasubandhu

(c) Ambhi

(d) Asvagosha

Ans: (a)

107. Megasthanes visited India during the period of

(a) Chandragupta II

(b) Ashoka

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Harsha

Ans: (c)

108. Megasthanes was the Ambassador of

(a) Selukos Nikator

(b) Alexander

(c) Darius

(d) The Persians

Ans: (a)

109. “The Indica" was written by

(a) Kautilya

(b) Patanjali

(c) Megasthanes

(d) Panini

Ans: (c)

110. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (b)

111. The main occupation of the Aryans was

(a) Weaving

(b) Agriculture

(c) Trade

(d) Seafaring

Ans: (b)

112. The Rig Veda consists of

(a) 1000 hymns

(b) 1028 hymns

(c) 500 hymns

(d) 2000 hymns

Ans: (b)

113. The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western China by the

(a) Hunas

(b) Rashtrika

(c) Mangols

(d) Bhojakas

Ans: (a)

114. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras?

(a) The Minor Rock Edits

(a) Selukos Nikator

(b) Alexander

(c) Darius

(d) The Persians

Ans: (a)

109. “The Indica" was written by

(a) Kautilya

(b) Patanjali

(c) Megasthanes

(d) Panini

Ans: (c)

110. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (b)

111. The main occupation of the Aryans was

(a) Weaving

(b) Agriculture

(c) Trade

(d) Seafaring

Ans: (b)

112. The Rig Veda consists of

(a) 1000 hymns

(b) 1028 hymns

(c) 500 hymns

(d) 2000 hymns

Ans: (b)

113. The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western China by the

(a) Hunas

(b) Rashtrika

(c) Mangols

(d) Bhojakas

Ans: (a)

114. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras?

(a) The Minor Rock Edicts

(b) The two Kalinga Edicts

(c) Arthasastra

(d) Indica

Ans: (a)

115. During the Mauryan period was In the hands of

(a) three boards

(b) four boards

(c) five boards

(d) six boards

Ans: (d)

116. Which of the following Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka describes the Conquest of

Kalinga by Ashoka?

(a) No. XIII

(b) No. X

(c) No. XI

(d) No. XII

Ans: (a)

117. Which of the following Vedas is rendered musically?

(a) Rig Veda

(b) Yajur Veda

(c) Sama Veda

(d) Atharva Veda

Ans: (c)

118. Of the following who was the hero of a famous drama Malvlkagnimitra written by


(a) Vasumitra

(b) Vajramitra

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Agnimitra

Ans: (d)

119. The duties of Dharmamahamatras are explained in the Minor Rock Edict No___.

(a) X

(b) IV

(c) XII

(d) V

Ans: (d)

120. Which of the following subjects is not dealt with in the Puranas?

(a) Primary creation

(b) Secondary creation

(c) Genealogies of gods

(d) Arithmetic

Ans: (d)

121. The Vishnu Purana, gives an account of _____.

(a) Mauryan Dynasty

(b) The Andhras

(c) The Vardhanas

(d) Life in Indus Valley

Ans: (a)

122. A well-organised State machinery was Introduced for the first time by

(a) the Vedic Aryans

(b) Alexander

(c) the Guptas

(d) the Mauryas

Ans: (d)

123. The last Mauryan king was

(a) Pushyamitra Sunga

(b) Ashoka

(c) Harsha

(d) Brihadratha

Ans: (d)

124. Bimbisara was succeeded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Ajatasatru

(c) Vesudeva

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (b)

125. The Upanishads are separated from the Brahmanas by treatises called _______.

(a) Vedas

(b) Aranyakas

(c) Epics

(d) Puranas

Ans: (b)

126. The religious movements of Buddhism and Jainism were led by

(a) Sudras

(b) Kshatriya Princes

(c) Vaisyas

(d) Brahmins

Ans: (b)

127. Whom can we call the first national ruler of India?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Kanishka

(c) Harsha

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (a)

128. The salient feature of the Rig Vedic religion was worship of

(a) Nature

(b) Pasupatbi

(c) Trimurti

(d) Mother Goddess

Ans: (a)

129. The 'Brahmanas' deals with

(a) The Bhakti Theory

(b) Yoga

(c) Ritualism

(d) Meditation

Ans: (c)

130. Which of the following Gods lost his importance as the first deity during the later

Vedic period?

(a) Varuna

(b) Agni

(c) Vishnu

(d) Rudra

Ans: (a)

131. Which of the following was the God of Animal during the later Vedic period?

(a) Indra

(b) Rudra

(c) Vishnu

(d) Prajapatbi

Ans: (b)

132. Which of the following animals was not known to the people of Indus Valley


(a) Horse

(b) Cow

(c) Goat

(d) Elephant

Ans: (a)

133. When Alexander invaded India, Taxila was ruled by

(a) Ambhi

(b) Porus

(c) Ashoka

(d) Bimbisara

Ans: (a)

134. There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjo-Daro and ______.

(a) Egypt

(b) China

(c) Sumeria

(d) Afghanistan

Ans: (c)

135. The Harappas had commercial relations with _____.

(a) China

(b) Jawa

(c) Mesopotamia

(d) Burma (Now, Myanmar)

Ans: (c)

136. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador sent to the court of ______.

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Kanishka

(d) Porus

Ans: (b)

137. Mudra Rakahasa was written by

(a) Kalidasa

(b) Visakadatta

(c) Bana

(d) Bharavi

Ans: (b)

138. The Indus Civilisation is noted for its

(a) Art

(b) Scientific Advance

(c) Town Planning

(d) Military Organisation

Ans: (c)

139. The language which contributed to the spread of Buddhism was

(a) Sanskrit

(b) Pali

(c) Tamil

(d) Greek

Ans: (b)

140. Which of the following was the cause of the decline of Buddhism?

(a) Buddhism was founded by a prince

(b) Corruption crept into Buddhist monasteries

(c) Buddha and Mahavira were contemporaries

(d) Buddha preached non-violence

Ans: (b)

141. Which of the following is not included in triratna of Jainism?

(a) Right Knowledge

(b) Right Conduct

(c) Right Faith

(d) Creator

Ans: (d)

142. The Harappans did not know the use of

(a) Copper

(b) Bronze

(c) Gold

(d) Iron

Ans: (d)

143. Ajivikas were _____.

(a) A monastic sect

(b) A sect to Barbarians

(c) Soldiers

(d) Spies

Ans: (a)

144. Dharmamahamatras were ______ during the Mauryans.

(a) Officials

(b) Buddhist Monks

(c) Jain Monks

(d) Soldiers

Ans: (a)

145. During the period of Sungas there was a revival of ______.

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Brahminism

(d) Zoroastrianism

Ans: (c)

146. Of the following who has been considered as a grammarian?

(a) Kautilya

(b) Megasthanes

(c) Patanjali

(d) Kanishka

Ans: (c)

147. Agnimitra was the hero of Kalidas's

(a) Sakuntala

(b) Malavikagnimitra

(c) Megadutta

(d) Mrichhakatikam

Ans: (b)

148. Kanva dynasty was established by

(a) Rudradaman

(b) Vasudeva

(c) Nagarjuna

(d) Kadphises

Ans: (b)

149. Kharavela of Kalinga was a follower of

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Hinduism

(d) Confuciounism

Ans: (a)

150. The capital of the king Kharavela of Kalinga was

(a) Taxila

(b) Pataliputra

(c) Kalinganagara

(d) Pushpapura

Ans: (c)

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