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Wednesday 28 July 2021



151. Under Mauryas each province was placed under a__.

(a) Prince

(b) Commander

(c) Council

(d) Minister

Ans: (a)

152. Chandragupta Maurya was__.

(a) A benevolent despot

(b) Autocrat

(c) Democrat

(d) A pious ruler

Ans: (a)

153. The mother of Vardhamana Mahavira was a

(a) Lichavi Princess

(b) Maurya Princess

(c) Saka Princess

(d) Not a member of the royal family

Ans: (a)

154. Buddha delivered his first sermon at ______.

(a) Sanchi

(b) Sarnath

(c) Kapilvastu

(d) Vaisali

Ans: (b)

155. The Buddha attained nirvana at ______.

(a) Bodh Gaya

(b) Sarnath

(c) Sanchi

(d) Kusinagara

Ans: (d)

156. The proceedings of the Third Buddhist Council led to the issue of Edict?

(a) Sanchi

(b) Sarnath

(c) Bhabra

(d) Kalinga

Ans: (b)

157. Which of the following is not the name of Kautilya?

(a) Chanakya

(b) Vishnugupta

(c) Dramindacharya

(d) Devaputra

Ans: (d)

158. Kautilya hailed from ______.

(a) Taxila

(b) Srinagar

(c) Pataliputra

(d) Nepal

Ans: (a)

159. Buddha has been described as 'an ocean of wisdom and compassion' In

(a) The Light of Asia

(b) Amarakosa

(c) Buddhacharita

(d) Jatak Tales

Ans: (b)

160. The most important Pahlava ruler was ______.

(a) Mues

(b) Gondophemes

(c) Menander

(d) Darius

Ans: (b)

161. St Thomas died a martyr at _______.

(a) Madras

(b) Bombay

(c) Goa

(d) Surat

Ans: (a)

162. Of the following Kushan Kings who assumed the title "the Lord of the Whole World"?

(a) Kadphises I

(b) Kadphises II

(c) Kanishka

(d) Huvishka

Ans: (b)

163. The Capital of Kanishka Empire was _______.

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Peshawar

(c) Kabul

(d) Taxila

Ans: (b)

164. The fourth Buddhist Council was held at _______.

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Vaisali

(c) Kundalavana

(d) Bodh Gaya

Ans: (c)

165. Alexander was the son of Philip II of ______.

(a) Sparta

(b) Athens

(c) Macedonia

(d) Carthage

Ans: (c)

166. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the battle of ______.

(a) Herat

(b) Kabul

(c) Hydaspes

(d) Arbela

Ans: (c)

167. Alexander the Great died at ______.

(a) Susa

(b) Babylon

(c) Macedonia

(d) Kabul

Ans: (b)

168. The monolithic image of Jain Saint 'Gomatiswara' is at ______.

(a) Mount Abu

(b) Saravanabelgola

(c) Kusinagara

(d) Kalinga

Ans: (b)

169. Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City?

(a) Girnar

(b) Allahabad

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Varanasi

Ans: (a)

170. ___was the mother of Vardhamana Mahavira.

(a) Yasodhara

(b) Kundhavi

(c) Trisala

(d) Mayadevi

Ans: (c)

171. Bhasa was the author of _______.

(a) Mahavamsa

(b) Svapnavasavadatta

(c) Sakunthala

(d) Buddha Charita

Ans: (b)

172. The Monk whom Chandragupta Maurya accompanied to South India was _______.

(a) Asvaghosa

(b) Vasumitra

(c) Upagupta

(d) Bhadrabahu

Ans: (d)

173. Who among the following is not associated with medicine In ancient India?

(a) Dhanvantri

(b) Susruta

(c) Bhaskaracharya

(d) Charaka

Ans: (c)

174. Megasthanes was succeeded by _______ as ambassador?

(a) Darius

(b) Demetrios

(c) Deimachos

(d) Philip

Ans: (c)

175. The Saka Era was founded by

(a) Kadphises I

(a) Girnar

(b) Allahabad

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Varanasi

Ans: (a)

(b) Kanishka

(c) Alexander

(d) Menander

Ans: (b)

176. The famous Indo-Greek Kin, who embraced Buddhism was _______.

(a) Strato I

(b) Menander

(c) Demetrios

(d) Alexander

Ans: (b)

177. Kanlshka was the follower of

(a) Hinduism

(b) Jainism

(c) Hinayanism

(d) Mahayanism

Ans: (d)

178. The Sunga ruler Bhaga erected a monolithic 'Garuda' at _______.

(a) Varanasi

(b) Besnagar

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Pataliputra

Ans: (b)

179. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Kautilya 1. Magadha King

B. Megasthanes 2. Ashoka

C. Bimbisara 3. Arthasastra

D. Upagupta 4. Ambassador



(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c) 1 2 3 4

(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (a)

180. Match the following:

List-1 List-2

1. Sama Veda 1. Kali Age

2. Atharva Veda 2. Philosophical Treatises

3. Puranas 3. Musically rendered

4. Upanishads 4. Magic and spells



(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c) 1 2 3 4

(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (a)

181. Vardhamana Mahavira died at

(a) Pavapuri

(b) Kundagrama

(c) Pataliputra

(d) Taxila

Ans: (a)

182. The city of Pataliputra was founded at the junction of the Ganges and the ______.

(a) Sone

(b) Brahmaputra

(c) Yamuna

(d) Gomati

Ans: (a)

183. The Nanda dynasty was established by

(a) Vasudeva

(b) Kharavela

(c) Mahapadma

(d) Pushyamitra

Ans: (c)

184. Alexander was trained by

(a) Socrates

(b) Aristotle

(c) Plato

(d) Homer

Ans: (b)

185. Of the following who is called India's Machiavelli?

(a) Asvaghosha

(b) Patanjali

(c) Kautilya

(d) Bana

Ans: (c)

186. Which of the following was the main port for the Indus people?

(a) Lothal

(b) Harappa

(c) Kalibangan

(d) Mohenjodaro

Ans: (a)

187. The Indus people were worshippers of

(a) Mothers Goddess

(b) Indra

(c) Rudra

(d) Varuna

Ans: (a)

188. Vardhamana Mahavira was born at _____.

(a) Bodh-Gaya

(b) Kundagrama

(c) Samath

(d) Benaras

Ans: (b)

189. Bimbisara was succeeded by _____.

(a) Ashoka

(b) Ajatasatru

(c) Vasudeva

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (b)

190. The term 'Aryan' denotes

(a) a speech group

(b) an ethnic group

(c) a nomadic group

(d) a supporter race

Ans: (a)

191. Alexander sent back home a portion of his army under an admiral called ______.

(a) Ptolemy

(b) Nearchos

(c) Menander

(d) Porus

Ans: (b)

192. Pushyamitra Sunga was a staunch ______.

(a) Buddhist

(b) Jain

(c) Hindu

(d) Atheist

Ans: (c)

193. The earliest 'evidence of silver in India is found in the

(a) Harappan culture

(b) Chalcolitchic cultures of western India

(c) Vedic Texts

(d) Silver punchmarked coins

Ans: (b)

194. Which one of the following was initially the most powerful city state of India in the 6th

century BC?

(a) Gandhar

(b) Kamboj

(c) Kashi

(d) Magadh

Ans: (c)

195. Which of the following was another name of Pataliputra?

(a) Purushapura

(b) Kusinagara

(c) Kusumapura

(d) Huvishkapura

Ans: (c)

196. Who was referred to as Amitraghata by the Greeks?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Bimbisara

(c) Bindusara

(d) Vasudeva

Ans: (c)

197. The founder of the Achaemenian Empire was

(a) Cyrus

(b) Darius

(c) Xerxes

(d) Cambyses

Ans: (a)

198. Which of the following was the characteristic feature of the religion of the ancient


(a) Worship of Nature

(b) Worship of Mother Goddess

(c) Worship of Murugan

(d) Worship of Sun

Ans: (c)

199. The most powerful ruler of the Cheras was

(a) Udiyanjeral

(b) Nedunjeraladan

(c) Senguttuvan

(d) Sengannan

Ans: (c)

200. A temple for 'Patini devi' was constructed by

(a) Karikala

(b) Paranar

(c) Senguttuvan

(d) Udiyanjeral

Ans: (c)

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