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Project Report/Thesis Writing

Friday, 7 December 2018


1. E.M.S. Nachiappan Committee : Reforms in the higher judiciary

2. Soli Sorabjee Committee : Police Reforms [it was constituted after the Judgement of theSupreme Court in Parkash Singh vs Union of India (2006)]

3. Ganguli Committee : Review of health facility planning and healthcare engineeringand management

4. Percy Mistry Committee : Making Mumbai an IFC (International Financial Centre)

5. K.T. Thomas Committee : To look into ways of enhancing the effectives of the Preventionof Damage to Public Property Act

6. Fali S. Nariman Committee : Accountability and damages with regard to destruction of publicproperty

7. Satwant Reddy Committee : Review of laws relating to registration of pharmaceutical drugsand clinical trials

8. Raghuram C. Rajan Committee : Financial sector reforms

9. Shah Commission (1966) : Reorganization of States

10. Tarkunde Committee : Composition of the Election Commission and other electoralreforms

11. Dinesh Goswami Committee : Electoral reforms

12. G.V.K. Rao Committee (1985) : Set up by the planning commission in 1985, to look into theAdministrative Arrangement for Rural Development and povertyAlleviation Programmes.

13. Butler Committee : Relation between Indian states & paramount power (the Queenof Britain)

14. Hurtog Committee : Growth of British India education-its effects

15. Muddiman Committee : Working of Diarchy as in Montague Chelmsford

General Knowledge

General Knowledge

1. Palekar Tribunal : Journalists Pay reforms

2. U.C. Banerjee Commission : Enquiry into Godhra carnage (railways)

3. Sarkaria Commission : Centre-State relations

4. Srikrishna Commission : 1992 Bombay riots

5. Thakkar Commission : Indira Gandhi assassination case

6. Phukan Commission & Saharya Committee : Tehelka tapes

7. Malimath Commission : Criminal Justice

8. Upendra Commission : Inquiry on rape and murder Thangjam Manorama Devi

9. Malhotra Committee : Insurance Reforms

10. Janaki Ram Committee : Security scam

11. Ajay Vikram Singh Committee : Faster promotions in army

12. Rajinder Sachar Committee : Companies and MRPT Act

13. Rajindar Sachar Committee : Report on the social, economic and educational status of theMuslims of India

14. Jyoti Basu Committee : Report on Octroi abolition

15. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee : Recommendations on decentralization system

16. Sawant Committee : Enquiry on corruption, charges against ministers & AnnaHazare

17. Chelliah Committee : Eradicating black money

18. Kothari Commission : Educational reforms

19. Wanchoo Committee : Tax enquiry

20. Bhanu Pratap Singh Committee : Agriculture

21. Aggarwal Committee : Nepotism in granting petrol pump, LPG connections

22. Rangarajan Committee : Reforms in private sector

23. Naresh Chandra Committee : Corporate governance

24. Chakravarti Committee : Banking sector reforms

25. Rekhi Committee : Structure of indirect taxation

26. G.V.Ramakrishna Committee : Disinvestment in PSU shares

27. Kelkar Committee : First committee on backward castes

28. P.C.Hotha Committee : Restructuring of civil services

29. Justice B.N.Kirpal Committee : 1st chairman National Forest Commission

30. Godbole Committee : Enron Power Project

31. J.C.Kumarappa Committee : Congress agrarian Reforms Committee

32. Swaminathan Committee : Population policy

33. Rangarajan Committee : Statistics

34. Wardha Committee : Inquiry on murder of Graham Staines

35. N.N. Vohra Committee : Criminalization of politics

36. Kelkar Committee : Direct-Indirect Taxes

37. Alagh Committee : Civil Service Examinations

38. Abid Hussain Committee : Recommendations on Small scale industries

39. Narasimham Committee : Banking sector

40. Chelliah Committee : Tax reforms

41. Mashelkar Committee : National Auto Fuel Policy

42. Boothalingam Committee : Recommendations on integrated wages, income and price policy

43. Omkar Goswami Committee : Industrial sickness

44. Yashpal Committee : Review of School Education system

45. Ram Nandan Prasad Committee : Constitution of creamy layers among Backward Castes

46. Kelkar Committee : Enquiry on Kargil defense deals.

47. M.M. Punchhi Commission : Centre-State Relations [note- this committee has been set uprecently- after the sad demise of Justice (Retd.) Sarkaria]

48. Thorat Committee : Caste-based discrimination against students in AIIMS

49. R.K.Raghavan Committee : Ragging in colleges

50. James Lyngdoh Committee : Student politics and student-body elections in colleges.

World GK-General Knowledge

World GK-General Knowledge
1. Which of the following countries was not part of the Soviet Union in 1991?
Ans : Yugoslavia

2. The land Yugoslavia was divided into 7 countries?  Which of the following is not part of the former Yugoslavia?
    Ans : Armenia

3. Where would you find the Itaipu Dam?
    Ans : Panama River, South America

4. In the 2008, Online Survey, which of the following is not one of the New Seven Wonders
    Ans : Petronas Twin Towers

5. What is the capital of Estonia?
    Ans : Talinn

6. What is the type of government of Denmark?
    Ans : Constitutional Democracy

7. Where is the official home of Santa Claus?
    Ans : Finland

8. The largest dam in the world is located  in
    Ans : South America

9.What is the largest country in the world in terms of land area?
   Ans : Russia

10.The country of Singapore is made up of how many islands?
     Ans : 64

11.Which is the only country in the world to have a square flag?
    Ans : Switzerland

12. What is the largest City in the USA in terms of area?
     Ans : Juneau

13. What is the smallest country in the world?
      Ans : Vatican City

14. What is the biggest country in the world?
     Ans : Russia (17,075,400 km square)

Saturday, 1 December 2018


*एकान्त मे शान्त चित से पढ़ें*
*|||||||| "ये ही सत्य हैं" |||||*

 *Qus→   जीवन का उद्देश्य क्या है ?*
Ans→  जीवन का उद्देश्य उसी चेतना को जानना है - जो जन्म और मरण के बन्धन से मुक्त है। उसे जानना ही मोक्ष है..!!🌟
*Qus→  जन्म और मरण के बन्धन से मुक्त कौन है ?*
Ans→  जिसने स्वयं को, उस आत्मा को जान लिया - वह जन्म और मरण के बन्धन से मुक्त है..!!🔅
*Qus→  संसार में दुःख क्यों है ?*
Ans→  लालच, स्वार्थ और भय ही संसार के दुःख का मुख्य कारण हैं..!!🐍
*Qus→  ईश्वर ने दुःख की रचना क्यों की ?*
Ans→  ईश्वर ने संसारकी रचना की और मनुष्य ने अपने विचार और कर्मों से दुःख और सुख की रचना की..!!😌
*Qus→  क्या ईश्वर है ? कौन है वे ? क्या रुप है उनका ? क्या वह स्त्री है या पुरुष ?*
 Ans→   कारण के बिना कार्य नहीं। यह संसार उस कारण के अस्तित्व का प्रमाण है। तुम हो, इसलिए वे भी है - उस महान कारण को ही आध्यात्म में 'ईश्वर' कहा गया है। वह न स्त्री है और ना ही पुरुष..!!🌼
*Qus→   भाग्य क्या है ?*
Ans→  हर क्रिया, हर कार्य का एक परिणाम है। परिणाम अच्छा भी हो सकता है, बुरा भी हो सकता है। यह परिणाम ही भाग्य है तथा आज का प्रयत्न ही कल का भाग्य है..!!🎄
*Qus→   इस जगत में सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य क्या है ?*
Ans→   रोज़ हजारों-लाखों लोग मरते हैं और उसे सभी देखते भी हैं, फिर भी सभी को अनंत-काल तक जीते रहने की इच्छा होती है..इससे बड़ा आश्चर्य ओर क्या हो सकता है..!!🌴
*Qus→   किस चीज को गंवाकर मनुष्यधनी बनता है ?*
Ans→   लोभ..!!🐒
*Qus→   कौन सा एकमात्र उपाय है जिससे जीवन सुखी हो जाता है?*
Ans →   अच्छा स्वभाव ही सुखी होने का उपाय है..!!🌳
*Qus →   किस चीज़ के खो जानेपर दुःख नहीं होता ?*
Ans →   क्रोध..!!☮
*Qus→   धर्म से बढ़कर संसार में और क्या है ?*
Ans →   दया..!!🌧
*Qus→   क्या चीज़ दुसरो को नहीं देनी चाहिए ?*
Ans→   तकलीफें, धोखा..!!🌑
*Qus→   क्या चीज़ है, जो दूसरों से कभी भी नहीं लेनी चाहिए ?*
Ans→   किसी की हाय..!! ⛈ 
*Qus→   ऐसी चीज़ जो जीवों से सब कुछ करवा सकती है?*
Ans→   मज़बूरी..!! 😒
*Qus→   दुनियां की अपराजित चीज़ ?*
Ans→  सत्य..!!✍
*Qus→ दुनियां में सबसे ज़्यादा बिकने वाली चीज़ ?*
 Ans→   झूठ..!!🤬
*Qus→   करने लायक सुकून काकार्य ?*
Ans→ परोपकार..!! 🍃
*Qus→   दुनियां की सबसे बुरी लत ?*
Ans→ मोह..!! 😋
*Qus→   दुनियां का स्वर्णिम स्वप्न ?*
Ans→   जिंदगी..!! 💑
*Qus→   दुनियां की अपरिवर्तनशील चीज़ ?*
Ans→   मौत..!! 😭
*Qus→   ऐसी चीज़ जो स्वयं के भी समझ ना आये ?*
Ans→   अपनी मूर्खता..!! 😏
*Qus→   दुनियां में कभी भी नष्ट/ नश्वर न होने वाली चीज़ ?*
Ans→   आत्मा और ज्ञान..!!🔰
*Qus→   कभी न थमने वाली चीज़ ?*
Ans→   समय

Monday, 19 November 2018


1. Which star is at the center of our Solar System?
2. What is the diameter of Sun?
1,392,684 km (865,374 mi).
3. What percent of the solar system’s mass does Sun holds?
99.8 percent.
4. How many stars are in the Milky Way?
more than 100 billion.
5. When was Sun born?
roughly 4.6 billion years ago.
6. What is the distance between sun and earth?
92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km).
7. Sun’s Chemical Composition:
71% of Hydrogen, 26.5% Helium and2.5% of other elements.
8. How much time does sun rays take to reach earth?
8 minutes.
9. Which planet isnearest tothe earth?
10. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?
11. What is the diameter of MERCURY?
3,032 miles (4,879 km).

Friday, 16 November 2018


1. The colors in thin films of soap bubbles are seen due to interference of light.
2. Light radiation is both of wave and particle nature.
3. When a light ray enters from air into glass, it’s wavelength decreases.
4. An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
5. Steel is used for making permanent magnets.
6. Lenz’s law is based on energy conservation.
7. Transformer is used for stepping up or stepping down the a.c voltage.
8. Thorium is used as a fuel in the fast breeder reactor of kalpakkam.
9. Polonium was discovered by Madam Marie Curie. She named the newly discovered element
Polonium in honour of her native land Poland.
10. Discovery/Invention
(i) Transistor W. Shockley (1958
(ii) Typewriter Sholz (1868)
(iii) Air Conditioner Wills Heavyland Carrier
(iv) Dynamo Hypolite Pixie (1832)
(v) Microphone Berline (1877)
11. Cadmium being a good absorber of neutrons is used as a controller in nuclear reactor.
12. The ‘Apsara’ reactor in India is called the swimming pool reactor’ because in it heavy water is
used as a moderator.
13. Cobalt 60 is generally used in radiation therapy because it emits gamma rays.
14. Infinite images of an object are formed that is placed between two parallel mirrors.
15. Velocity of light, amplitude and wavelength changes in refraction of light but frequency
remains unchanged.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

જમીનના - કદના માપનું કોષ્ટક

જમીનના - કદના માપનું કોષ્ટક
1 એકર=40 ગુંઠા,       1 એકર=4840 વાર
1 એકર=43560 ફૂટ,  1 એકર=0.4047 હેકટર
1 એકર=2.5 વીઘા,     1 વીઘા =16 ગુંઠા
1 વીઘા =16 ગુંઠા,       1 વીઘા =17424 ફૂટ
1 હેક્ટર =6.25 વીઘા,  1 ગુંઠા =101.2 મીટર
1 ગુંઠા =121 વાર,       1 ગુંઠા =1089 ચો. ફૂટ
1 મીટર =100 સે.મી.,  1 મીટર =3.28 ફૂટ ,39.37ઈંચ
1 મીટર =1,196 વાર,  1 ચો.મીટર =10.76 ફૂટ
1 વાર =3 ફૂટ,             1 વાર =0.9144 મીટર
1 ચો. વાર =9 ફૂટ        1 ફૂટ =0.3048 મીટર,
1 ઈંચ =25.3 મી. મી.  1 મીટર =1000 મી.મી.
1 ગજ =2 ફૂટ,            1 ગજ =0.61 મીટર
1 કડી =2 ફૂટ,             1 કડી =0.61 મીટર
1 સાંકળ =16 કડી,      1 સાંકળ =10.06 મીટર
1 સાંકળ =33 ફૂટ,        1 કિ.મી. =1000 મીટર
1 કિ.મી.=0.6215માઈલ,1 માઈલ =1609 મીટર
1 કિ.મી. =3280.80 ફૂટ, 1 ફલાંગ =660 ફૂટ
1 ફલાંગ =201,17 મીટર  1 ઘન મીટર =1000 લિટર
1 ઘનફૂટ =0.2831 ઘનમીટર
1 ઘનમીટર =35.31 ઘનફૂટ, 1 ઘન સેમી =1 સીસી   
1 સીસી =1 મિ.લિ.,            1 સીસી =1 ગ્રામ
1 લિટર =1000 સી.સી.,     1 લિટર =1 કિ.ગ્રા.
1ઘનફૂટ =28.317 લિટર     1 લિટર =0.2205 ગેલન
1 ઘનફૂટ =6.24 ગેલન,       1 લિટર =2.205 પાઉન્ડ
1 ઘનમીટર =1000 કિગ્રા    1 ઘનફૂટ =62.4 પાઉન્ડ
1 ગેલન =10 પાઉન્ડ
ગાયકવાડી (અમરેલી વિસ્તાર)
1 વસા =1280 ચો.ફૂટ  ,     1 વસા =118.91 ચો.મી.
1 એકર =34.03 વસા,       1 વીઘા =20 વસા
1 વીઘા =23.51 ગુંઠા,        1 એકર =1.7015 વીઘા
1 વસા =142.22 ચો.વાર

One Liner General Knowledge Questions

One Liner General Knowledge Questions
1. Sachin Tendulkar scored his 100th international century against which’ country ? – Bangladesh
2. In baseball, the two opposing teams consist of howmany players? – 9 players each
3. Which Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare? – Kalidas
4. ‘My Music, My Life’ is the autobiography of which person? – Pt. Ravi Shankar 
5. Which was the first talkie film of India? – Alam Ara
6. Folk painting ‘Madhubani’ is famous in which state? – Bihar
7. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed? – December 20
8. Foot-and-Mouth disease in animals, a current epidemic in some parts of the world, By which is this caused ? – Bacterium
9. By which number the quality of gasoline’ sample is determined? – By its octane number
10. With which is the ‘Tennis court oath’ associated? – French Revolution
11. With which country is “Orange’ Revolution” associated? – Ukraine
12. With which field was Pandit Bhimsen Joshi associated? – Music’s
13. Who was the first person to cross the Alps with army? – Hannibal
14. Where is the headquarter of International atomic Energy Agency is located? – Vienna
15. The book ‘Diplomatic Encounter’ has been written by which author? – Arundhati Roy
16. Who is the author of the book ‘The Rights of Man’? – Thomas Paine
17. The book ‘Worshipping False Gods’s is written by which person? – Arun Shourie
18. Who directed the famous T.V. serial ‘Tandoori Nights’? – Saeed Jaffrey
19. Regatta is associated with which sports event? – Rowing
20. Which woman has become the highest individual scorer in an innings in Tests? – Kiran Baloch
21. What is the name of the person that controls a football match? – An umpire 
22. Who is the leading wicket taker in the history of Test cricket? – Shane Warne
23. Amarya Sen, the NRI Nobel laureate got the honour for which work? – Poverty and famines
24. Where did India made her debut in Olympic football? – London in 1948
25. Where were first Olympic Games held? – 776 B.C.
26. The celebrated novel ‘The Godfather’ was authored by which author? – Mario Puzo
27. Which book is entitled as ‘Bible of Communism’ ? – Das Kapital
28. Who is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India’ ? – Sarojini Naidu
29. Dr. M. S. Swaminathan distinguished himself in which field? – Agriculture 
30. The fragments of which comet system collided with Jupiter in July 1994 ? –Shoemaker-Levy 9
31. Where is the largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world located? –Detroit
32. ORT (Oral Rehydration Therapy) is associated with the treatment of which disease? – Diarrhea
33. Which type of coal is difficult to light in the open air? – Peat
34. Among South Asian countries which one is the Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1,000 live births) lowest? – Bangladesh
35. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of which direction? – Western Australia
36. Gum Gopi Krishna was a maestro of which dance form? – Kathak
37. With which field was Satyajit Ray associated? – Direction of films
38. In which year did UN establish the UN Conference on Trade and Development? – 1964
39. Which is UN Programme and not special agency? – UNEP
40. Who is the author of the famous novel ‘Gone with the Wind’? – Charles Dickens

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Gk important

G k important
●1.સ્ટેથોસ્કોપ : હદયના ધબકાર માપવા વપરાતું સાધન
●2.ટેલિસ્કોપ : દૂરનો ગ્રહ જોવા માટેનું સાધન
●3.એપિસ્કોપ : પરાવર્તિત ચિત્ર જોઈ શકાય તેવું સાધન
●4.એપિડાયોસ્કોપ : પદાર્થને વિસ્તૃત બનાવી જોવા માટેવપરાતું સાધન
●5.ગાયરોસ્કોપ : પૃથ્વીના ભ્રમણની અસર બતાવતું સાધન
●6.ગેલ્વેનોસ્કોપ : વિદ્યુતપ્રવાહની સ્થિતિ દર્શાવતું સાધન
●7.પેરિસ્કોપ : અંતરાય છતાં વસ્તુઓ જોવા વપરાતું સાધન
●8.બેરોસ્કોપ : હવાના દબાણનો ફેરફાર બતાવતું સાધન
●9.ઈલેકટ્રોસ્કોપ : પદાર્થનો વિદ્યુતભાર દર્શાવતું સાધન
●10.હાઈડ્રોસ્કોપ : સમુદ્રનું તળિયું જોવા માટે વપરાતું સાધન
●11.હોરોસ્કોપ : હસ્તસામુદ્રિક શાસ્ત્ર અને તેનું દર્શન કરાવતું શાસ્ત્ર
●12.માઈકોસ્કોપ : લેન્સ પદ્ધતિથી પદાર્થને મોટો બતાવતું સાધન
●13.રેડિયોટેલિસ્કોપ : અવકાશી પદાર્થોમાંથી આવતા રેડિયો અવાજો ઝીલતું સાધન
●14.સિનેમાસ્કોપ : ત્રણ પરિમાણ દશ્યમાન થાય તેવી યાંત્રિક યોજના
●15.સ્ટિરિયોસ્કોપ : ઝીણી વસ્તુને મોટી બતાવતું સાધન
●16.એન્ડોસ્કોપ : ગૃહદર્શક સાધન
●17.ઓટોસ્કોપ : કર્ણદર્શક સાધન
●18.એસિલોગ્રાફ : વિદ્યુતપ્રવાહની ધ્રુજારી માપવી
●19.કાર્ડિયોગ્રાફ : હદયના દબાણની અસર નોંધતું સાધન
●20.કેસ્કોગ્રાફ : વનસ્પતિને થતાં સંવેદનો દર્શાવતું સાધન
●21.ટેલિગ્રાફ : તાર સંદેશો નોંધનાર સાધન
●22.થર્મોગ્રાફ : દિવસના ઉષ્ણતામાનની અસરવાળો ગ્રાફ બતાવતું સાધન
●23.સિનેમેટોગ્રાફ : હાલતાચાલતા ચિત્રની ફિલ્મ બનાવતું સાધન
●24.સિસ્મોગ્રાફ : ધરતીકંપ માપક સાધન
●25.એડિફોન : બહેરા માણસો માટે સાંભળવા માટે મદદ કરતું સાધન
●26.ઓપ્ટોફોન : આંધળો માણસ છાપેલું પુસ્તક વાંચી શકે તેવું સાધન
●27.માઈક્રોફોન : વીજળીની મદદથી અવાજને મોટો બનાવતું સાધન
●28.હાઈગ્રોફોન : પાણીની અંદર અવાજનો વેગ માપતું સાધન
●29.ગ્રામોફોન : રેકર્ડ પરથી અસલ અવાજ ઉત્પન્ન કરતું સાધન
●30.ડિક્ટોફોન : કાગળો લખવાનું ગ્રામોફોનની જેમ કામકરતું સાધન
●31.એમીમીટર : વિદ્યુતપ્રવાહનું બળ માપતું સાધન
●32.ટ્રાન્સમીટર : રેડિયોનાં વીજળીક મોજા મોકલવાનું સાધન
●33.થર્મોમીટર : તાપમાન માપવાનું સાધન
●34.માઈલોમીટર : વાહને કાપેલ અંતર દર્શાવતું સાધન
●35.વોલ્ટામીટર : વિદ્યુત પૃથક્કરણ કરવા માટે વપરાતું સાધન
●36.સ્પીડોમીટર : ગતિશીલ વાહનની ગતિનો વેગ દર્શાવતું સાધન
●37.હાઈગ્રોમીટર : હવામાં રહેલ ભેજ માપવાનું સાધન
●38.હાઈડ્રોમીટર : પ્રવાહીની વિશિષ્ટ ઘનતા માપવાનું સાધન
●39.મેગ્નોમીટર : ચુંબકીય ક્ષેત્રમાપક સાધન
●40.ઓપ્ટોમીટર : દષ્ટિ ક્ષમતામાપક સાધન
●41.પાર્યઝોમીટર : સંઘહતા માપક સાધન
●42.ઈન્ટરફેરોમીટર : પકાશ તરંગ માપક સાધન
●43.એટમોમીટર : બાષ્પદર માપક સાધન
●44.એકિટનોમીટર : કિરણતીવ્રતા માપક સાધન
●45.એનિમોમીટર : વાયુવેદ દિશા માપક સાધન
●46.ઓડિયોમીટર : શ્રવણશક્તિ માપક સાધન
●47.કલરિમીટર : વર્ણ તીવ્રતા માપક સાધન
●48.ઓલ્ટિમીટર : ઉન્નતતા માપક સાધન
●49.કેથેટોમીટર : દ્રવતલતા માપક સાધન
●50.કેલરીમીટર : ઉષ્મામાપક સાધન
●51.કોનોમીટર : કાલ માપક સાધન
●52.પિકનોમીટર : પ્રવાહી લક્ષણ માપક સાધન
●53.કિલનોમીટર : ઢાળ માપક સાધન
●54.કાયોમીટર : અતિ નિમ્ન તાપ માપક સાધન
●55.ગેલ્વેનોમીટર : વીજમાપક સાધન
●56.ગોનિયોમીટર : કોણ માપક સાધન
●57.ગોસમીટર : ચુંબકત્વ માપક સાધન
●58.ગ્રેવિમીટર : ગુરુત્વ માપક સાધન
●59.ડેન્સીમીટર : ઘનતા માપક સાધન
●60.પિરહેલિયોમીટર : સૂર્યકિરણ માપક સાધન
●61.પ્લુવિયોમીટર : વર્ષામાપક સાધન
●62.પાયરોમીટર : ઉચ્ચતાપ માપક સાધન
●63.પ્લેનિમીટર : સમતલ ફલ માપક સાધન
●64.ફોટોમીટર : પ્રકાશ માપક સાધન
●65.બેકમેન થર્મોમીટર : તાપવિકાર માપક સાધન
●66.બેરોમીટર : વાયુભાર માપક સાધન
●67.માઈકોમીટર : સુક્ષ્મતા માપક સાધન
●68.મેખમીટર : પરાધ્વનિ વેગ માપક સાધન
●69.રિફેકટોમીટર : વક્રીકારકતા માપક સાધન
●70.લેકટોમીટર : દૂગ્ધ ઘનતા માપક સાધન
●71.વાઈનોમીટર : મદિરામાં મધાર્ક માપક સાધન
●72.વેરિયોમીટર : વિમાન ચડઉતર માપક સાધન
●73.સ્ફેરોમીટર : ગોળાકાર માપક સાધન
●74.સેલિનોમીટર : ક્ષારતા માપક સાધન...

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi
Date of Birth : 19 November 1917 
Place of Birth : Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Parents : Jawaharlal Nehru (father) and Kamala Nehru (mother)
Spouse : Feroze Gandhi
Children : Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi
Education : International School of Geneva, Vishwabharati University, Shantiniketan; Somerville College, Oxford
Association : Indian National Congress
Movement : Indian Independence Movement
Political Ideology : Right winged, Liberal
Religious views : Hinduism
Publications : My Truth (1980), Eternal India (1981)
Passed Away : 31 October 1984
Memorial : Shakti Sthal, New Delhi

Indira Gandhi was an Indian politician and the only female Prime Minister of the country. Born in the famous Nehru family, she was perhaps destined for an illustrious political career. She served as Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. As Prime Minister, Indira was known for centralisation of power and political ruthlessness. Her political career was littered with controversies as well as allegations of highhandedness, corruption and nepotism. She clamped a state of emergency in India from 1975 to 1977. She was also criticized for carrying out the Operation Blue-Star in Punjab that eventually scripted her assassination on 31 October 1984. Indira Gandhi left behind her a lasting political legacy and her family became one of the most prominent political names in India.

Childhood & Early Life
Indira Gandhi was born Indira Nehru on 19 November, 1917, in Allahabad to Kamala and Jawaharlal Nehru. Indira's father, Jawaharlal was a well-educated lawyer and an active member of the Indian Independence Movement. She passed her Metric from Pune University and went to Shantiniketan in West Bengal. She later went on to study in Switzerland and Oxford University in London. Indira then stayed for a few months in Switzerland with her ailing mother. In 1936, after her mother, Kamala Nehru succumbed to tuberculosis, she returned to India. At the time of Kamala's death, Jawaharlal Nehru, was languishing in Indian jails.

Marriage & Family Life
In 1941, despite his father's objections, she married Feroze Gandhi. In 1944, Indira gave birth to Rajiv Gandhi followed two years later by Sanjay Gandhi. During the 1951-52 Parliamentary Elections, Indira Gandhi handled the campaigns of her husband, Feroze, who was contesting from Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh. After being elected an MP, Feroze opted to live in a separate house in Delhi.

Feroze soon became a prominent force against the corruption in the Nehru led government. He exposed a major scandal involving prominent insurance companies and the Finance Minister T.T. Krishnamachari. The Finance Minister was considered to be a close aide of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Feroze had emerged as a noted figure in the country's political circle. He, with a small coterie of supporters and advisors continued to challenge the Central government. On 8 September 1960, Feroze died after a major cardiac arrest.

Political Career
Early Entry into Politics
Since the Nehru family was the centre of national political activity, Indira Gandhi was exposed to politics from a young age. A leader like Mahatma Gandhi was among the frequent visitors to the Nehru house in Allahabad. After his return to the country, Indira showed keen interest in the national movement. She also became a member of the Indian National Congress. Here, she met Feroze Gandhi, a journalist and key member of the Youth Congress - the youth wing of the Congress Party. After independence, Indira Gandhi's father Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India. Indira Gandhi decided to shift to Delhi to assist his father. Her two sons remained with her but Feroze decided to stay back in Allahabad. He was working as an editor of ‘The National Herald’ newspaper founded by Motilal Nehru.

Indira as Congress President
In 1959, Indira Gandhi was elected as the President of the Indian National Congress Party. She was one of the political advisors of Jawaharlal Nehru. After the death of Jawaharlal Nehru on 27 May 1964, Indira Gandhi decided to contest elections and eventually got elected. She was appointed as in-charge of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry under Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri

It was believed that Indira Gandhi was adept at the art of politics and image-making. This is corroborated by an event that took place during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. While the war was on, Indira Gandhi went on a holiday trip to Srinagar. Despite repeated warnings by the security forces that Pakistani insurgents had entered very close to the hotel she was staying, Gandhi refused to move. The incident fetched her huge national and international media attention.

First Term as Prime Minister of India
Following the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri on 11 January 1966, in Tashkent, the race to the coveted throne of the Prime Minister began. After much deliberation, Indira was chosen as the Prime Ministerial candidate by the Congress high command solely because they presumed that she could be easily manipulated. She contested and emerged victorious during the interim elections of 1966. Post-election, Mrs. Gandhi showed extraordinary political prowess and elbowed the Congress stalwarts out of power. Some of the most notable achievements of her stint as PM were proposals for the abolition of Privy Purse to former rulers of the Princely states and the 1969 nationalization of the fourteen largest banks in India along with four premium oil companies. She took constructive steps towards food shortage of the country and led the country into the nuclear age with its first underground detonation in 1974.
Indo-Pakistan War in 1971
The 1971 Indo-Pakistan war was the direct after-effect of the Bangladesh Liberation War in East Pakistan, which was brought by the Awami League led by Mujibar Rahman against the military brutality launched by the Pakistan President Yahya Khan. The military specifically targeted the Hindu minority population and committed atrocious acts of torture throughout the country. As a result, about 10 million East Pakistani citizens fled the country and sought refuge in India. The overwhelming refugee situation prompted Indira Gandhi to support Awami League’s struggle for freedom against West Pakistan. India provided logistical support and also sent troops to fight against West Pakistan. The war concluded on 16 December 1971 in Dhaka, after the Eastern Command of the Pakistani Armed Forces signed the Instrument of Surrender and that marked the birth of the new nation of Bangladesh. India's triumph in the war of 1971 against Pakistan enhanced the popularity of Indira Gandhi as a shrewd political leader.

Indo-Pakistan War in 1971

Imposition of Emergency

In 1975, the Opposition parties and social activists staged regular demonstrations against the Indira Gandhi-led Central government over rising inflation, the poor state of economy and unchecked corruption. The same year, Allahabad High Court ruled that Indira Gandhi had used illegal practices during the last election and this added fuel to the existing political fire. The verdict ordered her to vacate her seat, immediately. The agitation and anger of the people intensified. Mrs. Gandhi instead of resigning declared "an emergency, due to the turbulent political situation in the country" on 26 June, 1975.

During the state of emergency, her political foes were imprisoned, constitutional rights of the citizens were abrogated, and the press was placed under strict censorship. The Gandhian socialist, Jaya Prakash Narayan and his supporters sought to unify students, peasants and labor organizations in a 'Total non-violent Revolution' to transform Indian society. Narayan was later arrested and jailed.

Fall from Power and Role as Opposition

During the state of emergency, her younger son, Sanjay Gandhi, began to run the country with full-authority and ordered forceful removal of slum dwellings, and started a highly unpopular forced sterilization program, which was aimed at curbing India's growing population.

In 1977, confident that she has snuffed the opposition, Indira Gandhi called for elections. She was thrashed by the emerging Janata Dal combine, led by Morarji Desai and Jai Prakash Narayan. Congress managed to win only 153 Lok Sabha seats, as compared to 350 seats it had grabbed in the previous Lok Sabha. 

Second Term as Prime Minister of India
With so little in common among the allies of the Janata Party, the members were busy in internal strife. In an effort to expel Indira Gandhi from the Parliament, the Janata government ordered to arrest her. However, the strategy failed disastrously and gained Indira Gandhi sympathy from the people who had considered her as an autocrat just two years back. In the 1980 elections, Congress returned to power with a landslide majority and Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister of India once again. Experts viewed the victory of the Congress as a result of inefficient and ineffective "Janata Party".

Operation Blue Star 
In September 1981, a Sikh militant group demanding "Khalistan" entered into the premises of the Golden Temple, Amritsar. Despite the presence of thousands of civilians in the Temple complex, Indira Gandhi ordered the Army to barge into the holy shrine to carry out Operation Blue Star. The army resorted to heavy artillery including tanks and cannons which although led to subduing of the militant threat, also claimed lives of innocent civilians. The act was viewed as an unparalleled tragedy in the Indian political history. The impact of the onslaught increased the communal tensions in the country. Many Sikhs resigned from the armed and civil administrative office and also returned their government awards in protest. Indira Gandhi’s political image was tarnished heavily.

On 31 October 1984, Indira Gandhi's bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh fired a total of 31 bullets on Indira Gandhi from their service weapons as a revenge of the Golden Temple assault at her residence - 1, Safdarjung Road in New Delhi and she succumbed to her injuries.