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Sunday, 17 May 2020

Day 17 May – World Telecommunication Day, World Hypertension Day

Day 17 May – World Telecommunication Day
World Telecommunication Day is observed every year on 17 May. It marks the founding of ITU when the first International Telegraph Convention was signed in Paris on 17 May, 1865. It is also known as World Telecommunication and International Society Day. Since 1969, it has been celebrating annually.
Day 17 May - World Hypertension Day
This day is celebrated by World Hypertension League (WHL) on 17 May annually. The day promotes awareness about hypertension and to encourage people to prevent and control this silent killer epidemic.

Day 16 May – Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday of the May)

Day 16 May – Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday of the May)
Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of every May. This day is celebrated to pay tribute to the men and women who served the United States Armed Forces.

Day 15 May – International Day of Families, National Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May)

Day 15 May – International Day of Families
International Day of Families is observed every year on 15 May. Family is the basic unit of society. This day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the issues related to the families and to increase knowledge about the social, economic and demographic processes that affect them. Several awareness-raising events, including national family day, occur.
Day 15 May - National Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May)
Every year on the third Friday in May National Endangered Species Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and restoration efforts for all imperilled species. Endangered Species Act 1973, focuses on the protection of wildlife and threatened species.