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Tuesday, 4 August 2020

DAY 9 August - Nagasaki Day, International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

DAY 9 August - Nagasaki Day
The United States on 9 August, 1945 dropped a second bomb on Japan at Nagasaki and the bomb is also known as ‘Fat Man’. It was dropped three days after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
DAY 9 August - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 
Every year International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is celebrated on 9 August to encourage people from around the world to spread the UN's message on the protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples.

DAY 8 August – Quit India Movement Day

DAY 8 August – Quit India Movement Day
All India Congress Committee session in Bombay on 8 August, 1942, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi launched the 'Quit India Movement'. It is also known as August Movement or August Kranti.

DAY 7 August (First Friday of August) - International Beer Day

DAY 7 August (First Friday of August) - International Beer Day
International Beer Day is observed on the first Friday of August. Originally it was started in Santa Cruz, California in 2007.

DAY 6 August – Hiroshima Day

DAY 6 August – Hiroshima Day 
Hiroshima Day is observed on 6 August every year. This is the day when the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

DAY 4 August - U.S. Coast Guard Day

DAY 4 August - U.S. Coast Guard Day

Every year on 4 August U.S. Coast Guard Day is observed to honour the establishment of the Revenue Marine on 4 August in 1790 by the Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.

DAY 1 August - National Mountain Climbing Day

DAY 1 August - National Mountain Climbing Day
Every year on 1st August National Mountain Climbing Day is observed. It is said that the day was established in honour of the author's son, Bobby Mathews, and his friend Josh Madigan, for successfully climbing the 46 High Peaks of New York State's Adirondack Mountains.
1 August – Yorkshire Day
Yorkshire Day is celebrated every year on 1st August. It is the UK's largest country. This day is celebrated to honour everything about the history of the country to its most memorable residents.
1-7 August - World Breastfeeding Week
It is a global campaign that is celebrated every year during the first week of August in several countries across the world. World Breastfeeding Week first time was celebrated in 1992.

Day 2 August (First Sunday of August) – Friendship Day
Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August and in 2020 it falls on 2 August. In 1935, a tradition of dedicating a day in honour of friends began in the US. Gradually Friendship Day gained popularity and various countries including India also celebrate this day.

August 2020 Important Days

August 2020 Important Days
August 2020 Important Days
Name of Important Days
7 August (First Friday of August)
International Beer Day
2 August (First Sunday of August)
Friendship Day
1 August
National Mountain Climbing Day
1 August
Yorkshire Day
4 August
U.S. Coast Guard Day
6 August
Hiroshima Day       
8 August
Quit India Movement Day
9 August
Nagasaki Day
9 August
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples                        
12 August
International Youth Day
13 August
International Lefthanders Day
14 August
Youm-e-Azadi (Pakistan Independence Day)
15 August
National Mourning Day (Bangladesh)
15 August
Independence Day in India
15 August
Day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
16 August
Bennington Battle Day
17 August
Indonesian Independence Day
19 August
World Photography Day
19 August
World Humanitarian Day
20 August
World Mosquito Day
20 August
Sadbhavna Diwas
20 August
Indian Akshay Urja Day
23 August
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
23 August
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism
26 August
Women’s Equality Day
29 August
National Sports Day
30 August
Small Industry Day
31 August
Hari Merdeka (Malaysia National Day)