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Friday, 2 August 2024

Day 1 August 2024

Day 1 August - National Mountain Climbing Day

Every year on 1st August National Mountain Climbing Day is observed. It is said that the day was established in honour of the author's son, Bobby Mathews, and his friend Josh Madigan, for successfully climbing the 46 High Peaks of New York State's Adirondack Mountains.

Day 1 August – Yorkshire Day

Yorkshire Day is celebrated every year on 1st August. It is the UK's largest country. This day is celebrated to honour everything about the history of the country to its most memorable residents.

Day 1 August- World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day is observed annually. The goal of Lung Cancer Day is to raise awareness about the risks, prevention, and early detection of lung cancer, while also providing support to those affected by the disease.

Day 1 August- World Wide Web Day

World Wide Web Day is observed on August 1 globally. The day honours and acknowledges the founder of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee. This date is considered the birth of the modern internet. 

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