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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Day 30 April - Ayushman Bharat Diwas

Day 30 April - Ayushman Bharat Diwas
Ayushman Bharat Diwas is celebrated on 30 April across the country. It is a programme of the Government of India to provide the underprivileged and economically backward people access to government as well as private healthcare facilities.
So, these are the National and International important Days in April 2019 month which may also help in the preparation for several exams and also enhance your knowledge.

Day 28 April - World Day for Safety and Health at Work, World Veterinary Day

Day 28 April - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
This day is observed on 28 April every year by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) since 2003. This day marks how to improve occupational safety, health and looks for continuing these efforts through several changes like technology, demographics, climate change etc.
28 April - World Veterinary Day
World Veterinary Day is observed on 28 April globally to raise awareness in the public about the important roles veterinarians plays. This day is created by the World organisation for Animal Health and the World Veterinary Association.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Day 26 April - World Intellectual Property Day

Day 26 April - World Intellectual Property Day
This day is celebrated every year on 26 April and was established by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in 2000 to raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trademarks and designs impact on daily life. And also it plays an important role that intellectual property rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 25 April 2020-परशुराम जयंती 2020: न्याय के देवता भगवान परशुराम

परशुराम जयंती 2020: न्याय के देवता भगवान परशुराम

भगवान परशुराम सात चिरंजीवियों अश्वत्थामा, राजा बलि, परशुराम, विभीषण, महर्षि व्यास, हनुमान, कृपाचार्य इनमें से एक हैं। भगवान विष्णु के छठे अवतार एवं ब्राह्म्ण जाति के कुल गुरु परशुराम,जिनकी जयंती वैशाख शुक्ल अक्षय तृतीया के दिन मनाई जाती है। मत्स्य पुराण के अनुसार इस दिन जो कुछ भी दान किया जाता है वह अक्षय रहता है यानि इस दिन किए गए दान का कभी भी क्षय नहीं होता है। सतयुग का प्रारंभ अक्षय तृतीया से ही माना जाता है। शास्त्रों के अनुसार भगवान शिव के परम भक्त परशुराम न्याय के देवता हैं,जिन्होंने 21 बार इस पृथ्वी को क्षत्रिय विहीन किया था।

पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भगवान परशुराम का जन्म भृगुश्रेष्ठ महर्षि जमदग्नि द्वारा सम्पन्न पुत्रेष्टि यज्ञ से हुआ। यज्ञ से प्रसन्न देवराज इन्द्र के वरदान स्वरूप पत्नी रेणुका के गर्भ से वैशाख शुक्ल तृतीया को एक बालक का जन्म हुआ था। वह भगवान विष्णु के अवतार माने जाते हैं। पितामह भृगु द्वारा सम्पन्न नामकरण संस्कार के अनन्तर राम, जमदग्नि का पुत्र होने के कारण जामदग्न्य और शिवजी द्वारा प्रदत्त परशु धारण करने के कारण वह परशुराम कहलाए

Day 25 April - World Malaria Day

Day 25 April - World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day is celebrated every year on 25 April to raise awareness about the disease malaria, how to control it and how to eradicate it completely. In 2008, first Malaria Day was celebrated which was developed from Africa Malaria Day which was an event observed since 2001 by the African governments. In the 60th session of the World Health Assembly in 2007, it was proposed that Africa Malaria Day can be changed to World Malaria Day.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Day 24 April - National Panchayati Raj Day, Sachin Tendulkar's Birthday

Day 24 April - National Panchayati Raj Day
National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated every year on 24 April in India. On this day Constitution came into force with effect from 24 April, 1993. In 2010 the first National Panchayati Raj Day was celebrated. A new part in the Constitution Part IX was added by passing 73rd Amendment Act from Article 243 to 243 (O) titled "The Panchayats" and a new Eleventh Schedule consisting of 29 subjects within the functions of Panchayats were also added.
Day 24 April: Sachin Tendulkar's Birthday
The God of Cricket has set an example as the best cricketer who was loved by all the people in the world. He is an inspiration to millions of people and is also known as a master blaster, little master etc.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Day 23 April - World Book and Copyright Day

Day 23 April - World Book and Copyright Day
Every year on 23rd April this day is celebrated to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. It is necessary to recognise the magical powers of books because they generate a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Day 22 April- World Earth Day

Day 22 April- World Earth Day
This day is observed every year on 22 April to mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. In the Universe Earth is the only planet where life is possible and so it is necessary to maintain this natural asset. World Earth Day is celebrated to increase awareness about the importance of the planet

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Day 21 April - National Civil Service Day

Day 21 April - National Civil Service Day
Every year on 21 April Civil Service Day is celebrated to rededicate and to recommit themselves to the cause of the people. On this day Civil servants from various parts of the country come together, share their experiences and also learn other's experiences of working in the public sector.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Day 20 April Importance

Day 20 April Importance
  • 4/20 Day (also known as National Pot Smokers Day, Weed Day or National Weed Day
  • Boston Marathon - April 20, 2020 (Third Monday of April)
  • Chinese Language Day - April 20, 2020
  • International Cli-Fi Day 
  • Lima Bean Respect Day 
  • Look a Like Day 
  • National Cheddar Fries Day 
  • National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day 
  • National Pot Smokers Day - (Also known as 4/20, Weed Day or National Weed Day)
  • Orthodox Easter Monday - April 20, 2020 (movable date)
  • Patriot's Day - April 20, 2020 (Massachusetts and Maine) (Third Monday of April)
  • UN Chinese Language Day

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Hindu God Shani Bhagwan (Shani Dev)

Hindu God Shani Bhagwan (Shani Dev)

Shani Bhagwan (also known as Sani, Shani Dev, Sani Maharaj, and Chayyaputra) is one of the most popular deities in the traditional religion of Hinduism. Shani is the harbinger of bad luck and retribution, and practicing Hindus pray to Shani to ward off evil and remove personal obstacles. The name Shani comes from the root Sanaischara, meaning slow mover (in Sanskrit, "Shani" means "the planet Saturn" and "chara" means "movement"); and Shanivara is the Hindu name for Saturday, which is dedicated to Shani Baghwan.

Key Facts: Hindu God Shani Bhagwan (Shani Dev)

  • Known for: Hindu god of justice, and one of the most popular deities in the Hindu pantheon
  • Also Known As: Sani, Shani Dev, Sani Maharaj, Saura, Kruradris, Kruralochana, Mandu, Pangu, Septarchi, Asita, and Chayyaputra
  • Parents: Surya (the sun god) and his servant and surrogate wife Chaya ("Shadow")
  • Key Powers: Ward off evil, remove personal obstacles, a harbinger of bad luck and retribution, deliver justice for evil or good karmic debt

Day 18 April- World Heritage Day

Day 18 April- World Heritage Day
This day is observed every year on 18 April to preserve the human heritage and recognise the efforts of all the relevant organisations in the field. This day was announced by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) in 1982 and was approved by the General Assembly of UNESCO in 1983.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Day 17 April - World Haemophilia Day

Day  17 April - World Haemophilia Day
World Haemophilia Day is observed on 17 April every year to increase awareness about haemophilia disease and other inherited bleeding disorders. In 1989, World Haemophilia Day was started by the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) in honour of WFH founder Frank Schnavel's birthday.

Day 14 April- B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day

Day 14 April- B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day
B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day is also known as Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti which is observed on 14 April to commemorate the memory of B.R Ambedkar. This day celebrates the birthday of Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, an Indian politician and social rights activist.

Day 13 April - Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Day 13 April - Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
It took place on 13 April 1919 at Amritsar and is also known as Amritsar massacre. On this day, British troops under the Command of Gen Dyer fired on a large crowd of unarmed Indians in Amritsar in Punjab of India. Several hundred peoples were killed and many hundreds were wounded.

Day 12 April - Easter Festival

Day 12 April - Easter Festival
Easter festival commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and is celebrated across the world. It begins from the Lent and ends with Holy Week, which includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and finally Easter Sunday. In Latin Easter is known as Pascha. It is celebrated annually but the date of the festival is not fixed, it varies every year. 

Day 11 April - National Safe Motherhood Day (NSMD)

Day 11 April - National Safe Motherhood Day (NSMD)
NSMD is observed on 11 April every year to create awareness about maternity facilities, lactating women and also for proper health care given to women.

Day 10 April

10 April - Good Friday
This year Good Friday is celebrated on 10th April, This day considered as an auspicious day in Christianity. Good Friday is observed by Christians to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this occasion, people observe fast visit the church and remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is also known as Black Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday, or Easter Friday.
10 April - Siblings Day
Siblings are an important part of our lives. One cannot imagine his or her life without siblings. To honour our siblings, to show affection, to appreciate one another -- National Siblings Day is celebrated every year on April 10. In India, the occasion of Raksha Bandhan celebrates the special bond between the siblings. Siblings Day is celebrated in many parts of the world like United Kingdom, Australia, India etc. but is not federally recognized. 

Friday, 10 April 2020

Day 10 April - World Homeopathy Day (WHD)

Day 10 April - World Homeopathy Day (WHD)
WHD is observed every year on 10 April to pay tribute to the founder and father of Homeopathy system of medicine Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. The main aim of this day is to spread knowledge about Homeopathic medicine in public health. In fact from 10 April to 16 April World Homeopathy Week is celebrated annually which is organised by the World Homeopathy Awareness Organisation. Basically, this day is celebrated to both for homoeopaths and also for those who have been healed with homoeopathy.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Day 9 April – Important Events

Day 9 April – Important Events
On this day, Tipu Sultan fought with the British and drove them out of Badnore. The battle was part of the Second Anglo-Mysore war which was started by Tipu's father Hyder Ali who died during the course of the battle.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Day 8 April-Hanuman Jayanti 2020

Day 8 April-Hanuman Jayanti 2020

One of the famous Hindu festivals, Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman. On this auspicious day, ardent devotees of Lord Hanuman observe fast and worships the lord to seek his protection and refuge. They also take part in reciting Hanuman Chalisa and also read scriptures like Ramayan and Mahabharata. Hanuman is the symbol of strength and energy. He is worshipped as a deity who is able to attain victory against all evil.
This year Hanuman Jayanti will be observed on 8 April. While the temples are closed due to the lockdown, there will be no processions and religious gatherings during this festival this time around. But, according to astrologers, on the Chaitra Purnima, there will be handmade constellations, Balava Karan, Vyatipati Yoga, Anand Yoga, and Siddh Yoga with Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga. This type of yoga is coming after 430 years on this Hanuman Jayanti.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Day 7 April- World Health Day

Day 7 April- World Health Day
As we know that "Health is wealth".
Therefore, World Health Day is celebrated worldwide every year on 7th April. Various programs and arrangements are managed by the World Health Organisation. It was first time celebrated in 1950

Monday, 6 April 2020

Day 6th April 2020-Mahavir Jayanti

Day 6th April 2020-Mahavir Jayanti
This day marks the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir. Hence, every year the Jain community celebrates this festival. Mahavir Jayanti is one of the most auspicious religious festivals for the Jain Community. This day marks the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 5th April- National Maritime Day

Day 5th April- National Maritime Day
On 5th April every year in India National Maritime day is observed because on this date in 1919 navigation history was created SS Loyalty, the first ship of The Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd journeyed to the United Kingdom. It was a red-letter day in the account of Indian navigation.

Day 4th April- International Day of Mine awareness

Day 4th April- International Day of Mine awareness
Every Year on 4 April International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed to spread the awareness about the threat caused by landmines to the safety, health and lives of civilian populations and encourages state Governments to develop mine-clearing programmes.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

April month-List of important days

  • April month-List of important days
  • April 1, 2020 (Wednesday)- April Fool's Day
  • April 1, 2020 (Wednesday)- National Walking Day
  • April 1, 2020 (Wednesday)- Utkal Diwas
  • April 2, 2020 (Thursday)- Ram Navami
  • April 2, 2020 (Thursday)- World Autism Awareness Day
  • April 5, 2020 (Sunday)- National Maritime Day
  • April 6, 2020 (Monday)- Mahavir Jayanti
  • April 6, 2020 (Monday)- National Student-Athlete Day
  • April 7, 2020 (Tuesday)- National Beer Day
  • April 7, 2020 (Tuesday)- World Health Day
  • April 10, 2020 (Friday)- Good Friday
  • April 10, 2020 (Friday)- Day of Silence
  • April 11, 2020 (Saturday)- National Pet Day
  • April 12, 2020 (Sunday)- Easter
  • April 13, 2020 (Monday)- Vaisakhi or Baisakhi (North and Central India)
  • April 13, 2020 (Monday)- Pana Sankranti (Odisha)
  • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)- Dr B R Ambedkar Jayanti
  • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)- Bengali New Year (Pôhela Boishakh)
  • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)- Rongali Bihu (Assam, ends on Monday, 20 April)
  • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)- Puthandu (Tamil Nadu)
  • April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)- Vishu (Kerala)
  • April 15, 2020 (Wednesday)- Tax Day
  • April 16, 2020 (Thursday)- Wear Pajamas to Work Day
  • April 17, 2020 (Friday)- World Hemophilia Day
  • April 18, 2020 (Saturday)- World Heritage Day
  • April 19, 2020 (Monday)- National Garlic Day
  • April 20, 2020 (Tuesday)- Chinese Language Day
  • April 22, 2020 (Wednesday)- Earth Day
  • April 23, 2020 (Thursday)- St. George's Day
  • April 23, 2020 (Thursday)- World Book Day
  • April 24, 2020 (Friday)- National Panchayati Day
  • April 25, 2020 (Saturday)- World Malaria Day
  • April 27, 2020 (Monday)- World Veterinary Day
  • April 29, 2020 (Wednesday)- International Dance Day
  • April 30, 2020 (Thursday)- International Jazz Day
  • April 30, 2020 (Thursday)- Honesty Day
  • April 30, 2020 (Thursday)- Ayushman Bharat Diwas

Friday, 3 April 2020

3rd April - Shivaji Maharaj Death Anniversary

3rd April - Shivaji Maharaj Death Anniversary
Name: Shivaji Bhonsle
Date of Birth: February 19, 1630
Birthplace: Shivneri Fort, Pune district, Maharashtra
Parents: Shahaji Bhonsle (Father) and Jijabai (Mother)
Reign: 1674–1680
Spouse: Saibai, Soyarabai, Putalabai, Sakvarbai, Laxmibai, Kashibai
Children: Sambhaji, Rajaram, Sakhubai Nimbalkar, Ranubai Jadhav, Ambikabai Mahadik, Rajkumaribai Shirke
Religion: Hinduism
Death: April 3, 1680
Seat of Power: Raigad Fort, Maharashtra
Successor: Sambhaji Bhonsle

Thursday, 2 April 2020

રામ નવમી

રામ નવમી
ભારતીય ઉપખંડના મહત્વના એવા હિંદુ ધર્મના શાસ્ત્રોમાં વર્ણવ્યા અનુસાર જયારે સમાજમાં સત્‍ય ઉપર અસત્‍ય, પ્રમાણિકતા ઉપર અપ્રમાણિકતા, સદાચાર ઉપર દુરાચાર અને ઋષિ સંસ્‍કૃતિ ઉપર દૈત્‍ય શકિતઓ હાવી થવા લાગી ત્‍યારે શ્રી રામે તેમનો નાશ કરવા માટે જન્‍મ લીધો. તે સમય હતો બપોરના બાર વાગ્‍યાનો અને તીથિ હતી ચૈત્ર સુદ નવમી. શ્રી રામના આ જન્‍મ દિવસને ઉત્તર થી દક્ષિ‍ણ અને પૂર્વથી પશ્ચિમ સુધી બધા રામનવમી તરીકે આજે પણ ધામધુમથી ઉજવે છે. આ રામનવમી માત્ર શ્રી રામના જીવનની જ નહી પણ એક એવા પુત્રની પણ આપણને યાદ અપાવે છે, જેમાં એક વ્‍યકિતએ પિતા, માતા, ગુરુ, પત્નિ, નાના ભાઈ ભાડું પ્રત્‍યેની ફરજો ઉપરાંત કુટુંબ તેમજ સમાજ પ્રત્‍યેની ફરજો નિષ્‍ઠાપૂર્વક બજાવવા સાથે એક મર્યાદા પુરુષોત્‍તમ તરીકેનું, એક પૂર્ણ પુરુષનું, જીવન વ્‍યતિત કર્યુ.
રામ નવમી
Srisita ram laxman hanuman manor.JPG
રામ (મધ્યમાં), સીતા, લક્ષ્મણ અને હનુમાન
ઉજવવામાં આવે છેભારત અને નેપાળના હિંદુઓ
મહત્વરામનો જન્મ
ઉજવણીચૈત્રી નવરાત્રીનો છેલ્લો દિવસ
ધાર્મિક ઉજવણીપુજા, વ્રત, ઉપવાસ અને ઉજવણી
અંતચૈત્ર સુદ નવમી
રામ નવમી વસંત ઋતુમાં આવતો હિન્દૂ તહેવાર છે, જે ભગવાન રામનો જન્મદિન છે. વિષ્ણુના સાતમા અવતાર તરીકે, તે હિંદુ ધર્મનો મહત્વનો તહેવાર છે. ભારતના ઘણાં રાજ્યોમાં રામનવમીની જાહેર રજા રખાય છે.
આ દિવસ ઘણી જગ્યાએ રામકથાના પઠન-પાઠન દ્વારા ઉજવાય છે. ભારતીય પરંપરા દ્વારા રામાયણ અને મહાભારતને ઇતીહાસ​ માનવામાં આવે છે. લોકો રામમંદિરોમાં પૂજન-અર્ચન, દર્શનાર્થે જાય છે. અથવા ઘરમાં પૂજા-અર્ચના પણ કરે છે. રામની બાલમૂર્તિની સેવા-પૂજા તથા પારણાનાં દર્શન પણ કરાય છે. ઘણાં લોકો આ દિવસ વ્રત-ઉપવાસ પણ કરે છે.
આ દિવસે અયોધ્યા, સીતા સંહિત સ્થળ (ઉત્તર પ્રદેશ), સીતામઢી (બિહાર), જનકપુર ધામ (નેપાળ), ભદ્રાચલમ (તેલંગાણા), કોદંદરામ મંદિર (આંધ્ર પ્રદેશ) તથા રામેશ્વરમ (તામિલ નાડુ) તથા અન્ય નાના-મોટા નગરોમાં શોભાયાત્રાનું પણ આયોજન કરાય છે. અયોધ્યામાં લોકો સરયુ નદીમાં સ્નાન કરી રામમંદિરમાં દર્શનાર્થે જાય છે.
સંવત ૧૮૩૭માં રામનવમીના દિવસે અયોધ્યા પાસેના છપિયા ગામમાં રાત્રે ૧૦-૧૦ કલાકે ભગવાન સ્વામીનારાયણનું પ્રાગટ્ય થયું હતું. આથી આ દિવસે સ્વામિનારાયણ સંપ્રદાયના દેશ વિદેશના મંદિરોમાં એમનો જન્મોત્સવનો ઉત્સવ ખુબ જ ધામધુમથી ઉજવવામાં આવે છે.

.... From Wikipedia