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Sunday, 31 May 2020

Day 31 May World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)

 Day 31 May World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed around the world every year on 31 May. This yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization (WHO) is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.
The Member States of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. The day is further intended to draw attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to negative health effects, which currently lead to more than 8 million deaths each year worldwide, including 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.The member states of the WHO created World No Tobacco Day in 1987. In the past twenty one years, the day has been met with both enthusiasm and resistance around the globe from governments, public health organizations, smokers, growers, and the tobacco industry.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

General Knowledge

General Knowledge
  1. The tallest building in the world is located in which city?
  2. Which year was the original Toy Story film released in the US?
  3. Name the current UK Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  4. Which film was the first to be recognised as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
  5. Name the longest river in the UK.
  6. What is the capital city of New Zealand?
  7. Which three nations will co-host the Men’s 2026 FIFA World Cup?
  8. Complete this famous line from an iconic Queen song: “I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the ________?”
  9. In which year was the popular video game Fortnite first released?
  10. We’re all missing a cool IPA in the pub – what does the acronym stand for?
  11. How many hearts does an octopus have?
  12. Which country's flag features a red maple leaf?
  13. Which former US first lady wrote a memoir-turned-Netflix documentary called Becoming?
  14. In which year did Twitter launch?
  15. How many children does Queen Elizabeth have?
  1. Dubai (Burj Khalifa)
  2. 1995
  3. Rishi Sunak
  4. Iron Man
  5. River Severn
  6. Wellington
  7. Canada, USA, Mexico
  8. Fandango
  9. 2017
  10. India Pale Ale
  11. Three
  12. Canada
  13. Michelle Obama
  14. 2006
  15. Four - Charles, Andrew, Anne and Edward

Thursday, 28 May 2020

ભારતની પ્રખ્યાત આંબા ની જાતો

ભારતની પ્રખ્યાત આંબા ની જાતો

(01) કેસર
(02) બોમ્બે હાફૂસ
(03) દૂધપેંડો
(04) નિલેશાન
(05) રૂમી હાફૂસ
(06) જમરૂખ્યો
(07) જહાંગીર પસંદ
(08) કાવસજી પટેલ
(09) નિલ ફ્રાન્ઝો
(10) અમીર પસંદ
(11) બાદશાહ પસંદ
(12) અંધારીયો દેશી
(13) નારીયેરી
(14) કાળીયો
(15) પીળીયો
(16) બાજરીયો
(17) હઠીલો
(18) બાટલી
(19) કાળો હાફૂસ
(20) કાચો મીઠો
(21) દેશી આંબડી
(22) બદામડી
(23) સીંધડી
(24) કલ્યાણ બાગી
(25) રાજાપુરી
(26) અષાઢી
(27) લંગડો
(28) રૂસ
(29) જમ્બો કેસર
(30) સુપર કેસર
(31) અગાસનો બાજરીયો
(32) સફેદા
(33) માલ્દા
(34) ગોપાલભોગ
(35) સુવર્ણરેખા
(36) પીટર
(37) બેગાનો પલ્લી
(38) એન્ડૂઝ
(39) યાકુત રૂમાની
(40) દિલ પસંદ
(41) પોપટીયા
(42) ગધેમાર
(43) આમીની
(44) ચેમ્પિયન
(45) વલસાડી હાફૂસ
(46) બદામી
(47) બેગમ પલ્લી
(48) બોરસીયો
(49) દાડમીયો
(50) દશેરી
(51) જમાદાર
(52) કરંજીયો
(53) મક્કારામ
(54) મલગોબા
(55) નિલમ
(56) પાયરી
(57) રૂમાની
(58) સબ્ઝી
(59) સરદાર
(60) તોતાપુરી
(61) આમ્રપાલી
(62) મલ્લિકા અર્જુન
(63) રત્નાગિરી હાફૂસ
(64) વનરાજ
(65) બારમાસી
(66) શ્રાવણીયો
(67) નિલેશ્વરી
(68) વસીબદામી
(69) ગુલાબડી
(70) અમુતાંગ
(71) બનારસી લંગડો
(72) જમીયો
(73) રસરાજ
(74) લાડવ્યો
(75) એલચી
(76) જીથરીયો
(77) ધોળીયો
(78) રત્ના
(79) સિંધુ
(80) રેશમ પાયરી
(81) ખોડી
(82) નિલકૃત
(83) ફઝલી
(84) ફઝલી રંગોલી
(85) અમૃતિયો
(86) કાજુ
(87) ગાજરીયો
(88) લીલીયો
(89) વજીર પસંદ
(90) ખાટીયો
(91) ચોરસા
(92) બમ્બઈ ગળો
(93) રેશમડી
(94) વેલીયો
(95) વલોટી
(96) હંસરાજ
(97) ગીરીરાજ
(98) સલગમ
(99) ટાટાની આંબડી
(100) સાલમભાઈની આંબડી
(101) અર્ધપુરી
(102) શ્રીમંતી
(103) નિરંજન
(104) કંઠમાળો
(105) કુરેશી લંગડો

Monday, 25 May 2020

Day 25 May - National Memorial Day (last Monday of May)

Day 25 May - National Memorial Day (last Monday of May)
National Memorial Day is observed on last Monday of May. This year it will be observed on 25 May, 2020, 

Friday, 22 May 2020

Day 22 May - International Day for Biological Diversity

Day 22 May - International Day for Biological Diversity
International Day for Biological Diversity is observed on 22 May every year to increase awareness and understanding of the issues of biodiversity. 

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Day 21 May – National Anti-Terrorism Day

Day 21 May – National Anti-Terrorism Day
National Anti-Terrorism Day is observed every year on 21 May to spread awareness about the violence caused by the terrorists and also in the memory of former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi who passed on this day.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

List of courses after 12th

List of courses after 12th

  • After 12th Science:

BE/B.Tech- Bachelor of Technology
B.Arch- Bachelor of Architecture
BCA- Bachelor of Computer Applications
B.Sc.- Information Technology
B.Sc- Nursing
BPharma- Bachelor of Pharmacy
B.Sc- Interior Design
BDS- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Animation, Graphics and Multimedia
B.Sc. – Nutrition & Dietetics
BPT- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
B.Sc- Applied Geology
BA/B.Sc. Liberal Arts
B.Sc.- Physics
B.Sc. Chemistry
B.Sc. Mathematics
Aeronautical Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Biotechnology Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Automation and Robotics
Mechanical engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Instrumentation Engineering
Ceramic Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Construction Engineering
Power Engineering
Robotics Engineering
Textile Engineering
Smart Manufacturing & Automation

  • After 12th Commerce:

B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce
BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration
B.Com (Hons.)
BA (Hons.) in Economics
Integrated Law Program- B.Com LL.B.
Integarted Law Program- BBA LL.B

  • After 12 Arts

BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration
BMS- Bachelor of Management Science
BFA- Bachelor of Fine Arts
BEM- Bachelor of Event Management
Integrated Law Course- BA + LL.B
BJMC- Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
BFD- Bachelor of Fashion Designing
BSW- Bachelor of Social Work
BBS- Bachelor of Business Studies
BTTM- Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management
Aviation Courses
B.Sc- Interior Design
B.Sc.- Hospitality and Hotel Administration
Bachelor of Design (B. Design)
Bachelor of Performing Arts
BA in History

  • Other

CA- Chartered Accountancy
CS- Company Secretary
Bachelor of Design in Accessory Design, fashion Design, Ceramic Design, Leather Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Jewellery Design
Bachelor in Foreign Language
Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma Courses
Certificate Courses

Monday, 18 May 2020

Day 18 May – World AIDS Vaccine Day, International Museum Day

Day 18 May – World AIDS Vaccine Day
Worlds AIDS Vaccine Day or HIV Vaccine Awareness Day is observed every year on 18 May. This day marks the efforts of thousands of researchers, scientists, health professionals who have contributed to the process of finding safe and effective AIDS medicine. It is also an opportunity to educate communities about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.
Day 18 May - International Museum Day
International Museum Day is observed on 18 May every year to raise awareness about the museum and their role in society. The International Council of Museums (ICOM) created International Museum Day in 1977. The organisation suggested a proper theme every year which may include globalisation, bridging cultural gaps and care for the environment.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Day 17 May – World Telecommunication Day, World Hypertension Day

Day 17 May – World Telecommunication Day
World Telecommunication Day is observed every year on 17 May. It marks the founding of ITU when the first International Telegraph Convention was signed in Paris on 17 May, 1865. It is also known as World Telecommunication and International Society Day. Since 1969, it has been celebrating annually.
Day 17 May - World Hypertension Day
This day is celebrated by World Hypertension League (WHL) on 17 May annually. The day promotes awareness about hypertension and to encourage people to prevent and control this silent killer epidemic.

Day 16 May – Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday of the May)

Day 16 May – Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday of the May)
Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of every May. This day is celebrated to pay tribute to the men and women who served the United States Armed Forces.

Day 15 May – International Day of Families, National Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May)

Day 15 May – International Day of Families
International Day of Families is observed every year on 15 May. Family is the basic unit of society. This day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the issues related to the families and to increase knowledge about the social, economic and demographic processes that affect them. Several awareness-raising events, including national family day, occur.
Day 15 May - National Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May)
Every year on the third Friday in May National Endangered Species Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and restoration efforts for all imperilled species. Endangered Species Act 1973, focuses on the protection of wildlife and threatened species.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Day 15 May

Day 15 May
Shaheed Sukhdev Thapar (15 May 1908 – 23 March 1931) was an Indian revolutionary. A senior member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, he participated in several actions alongside Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru, and was hanged by the British authorities on 23 March 1931 at the age of 23.
Born: 15 May 1907, Ludhiana
Profession: Revolutionary
Parents: Ralli Devi, Ram Lal, Ramlal Thapar

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Day 12 May - International Nurses Day

Day 12 May - International Nurses Day
Every year International Nurses Day is celebrated on 12 May to commemorate the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday. This day also celebrates the contribution done by the nurses to society around the world. On this day the International Council of Nurses organisation produces an International Nurses kit to educate and assist health workers globally with a different theme every year.

Day 11 May - National Technology Day

Day 11 May - National Technology Day
Every year National Technology Day is observed on 11 May to highlight the important role of Science in our daily lives and encourage students to opt science as an option for a career. On this day Shakti, the Pokhran nuclear test was held on 11 May, 1998.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Day 10 May - Mother's Day (Second Sunday of May)

Day 10 May - Mother's Day (Second Sunday of May)
Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May to honour motherhood and is observed in different forms throughout the world. Mother's Day was founded by the Anna Jarvis who had given the idea of celebrating Mother's Day in honour of mothers and motherhood in 1907. Nationally this day was recognised in 1914.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Day 9 May- Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Day 9 May- Maharana Pratap Jayanti
Pratap Singh I popularly known as Maharana Pratap, was the 13th king of Mewar, a region in north-western India in the present day state of Rajasthan. 
Born: 9 May 1540, Kumbhalgarh Fort, Qila Kumbhalgarh
Died: 19 January 1597, Chawand

Friday, 8 May 2020

Day 8 May - World Red Cross Day, World Thalassaemia Day

Day 8 May - World Red Cross Day
World Red Cross Day is observed every year on 8 May to commemorate the birth anniversary of the founder of the Red Cross. Let us tell you that the founder of Red Cross was Henry Dunant as well as the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). He was born in Geneva in 1828. He became the first recipient of the 1st Nobel Peace prize.
Day 8 May - World Thalassaemia Day
World Thalassaemia Day or International Thalassaemia Day is observed every year on 8 May in honour of all patients suffering from Thalassaemia and for their parents who have never lost hope for life, despite the burden of their disease. This day also encourages those who struggle to live with the disease. 

Day 7 May - World Athletics Day, Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti

Day 7 May - World Athletics Day
This year World Athletics Day is observed on 7 May to raise awareness about sports among youth, in schools and institutions to promote athletics as the primary sport. And to introduce new talent and youngsters in the field of athletics.
Day 7 May –  Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti
The birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore is observed on 7 May according to Gregorian Calendar. He was born on 7 May, 1861 in Kolkata. He was one of India's top artists, novelist, author, Bengali poet, humanist, philosopher etc. In 1913, he was honoured with Nobel Prize in Literature.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Ramayana -characters list


The son of King Dasaratha and Queen Kausalya, Rama is the prince of Ayodya. He is an avatara of Vishnu, the Blue God and the sustainer of worlds. He is also a virtuous, strong, and just man in his own right. He is married to Sita, whom he loves deeply. He has a strong bond with his brother Lakshmana as well.


Sita's father, King Janak, found her lying in a furrow on sanctified ground and decided to raise her as his daughter. She marries Rama, and loves him so much that she follows him into exile. She is famed for her virtue and beauty, and is regarded as an avatara of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's consort.


Ravana is a rakshasa who performed penance for the God Siva for many years, and in return received a great blessing from the God: he cannot be killed by any God, demon, or other divine being. His arrogance combined, with great intelligence and power, has led him to rule over much of the earth, spreading terrible evil everywhere he goes.


Son of King Dasaratha, and brother of Rama. He is deeply devoted to his brother, whom he follows through many dangerous adventures and quests. He is married to Sita's younger sister, Urmila.

King Dasaratha

King of Ayodhya, father of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna. Of all his three sons, he loves Rama most deeply, and tries to shelter the boy from any danger. He is a good king: kind, just and well-liked by his people.


Viswamitra is a great sage and wise man who was once a king. Through long meditation, he gained a number of magical powers. He takes Rama on a quest to defeat a demon and to lift the bow of Siva, the first step in the future king's great journey.


Ganga is a goddess, the daughter of Himavan. Because of her incomparable beauty, she was given to the Devas, and she became the Milky Way. Later, Siva brought her down to earth and she became the river Ganges.


Siva is part of the great trinity in Hindusim, along with Vishnu and Brahma. He is a great ascetic, and often sits in meditation. He is able to tame the power of other gods, devas, and supernatural beings, and he often grants blessings and wishes to those who sit in dedication meditation ('tapasya'). His wife is Parvati.


Along with Kusha, one of the youths to whom Valmiki taught the Ramayana that he received from Narada. He is one of the sons of Rama, but he does not know this.


Along with Lava, one of the youths to whom Valmiki taught the Ramayana that he received from Narada. He is one of the sons of Rama, but he does not know this.


Guru to King Dasaratha, he offers religious advice to the king and the royal family.


A great rishi; he presides over the sacrifice that King Dasaratha offers in order to get a son. He is sometimes depicted as a combination of a deer and a man.


A beautiful woman who was transformed into a demon (rakshasi) when she tried to seduce the rishi Agastya. As a demon, she drinks the blood of living creatures and kills anything she can see. In one of his first great acts, Rama breaks her curse by slaying her.


The third and youngest wife of King Dasaratha, and mother of Bharata. She is famed for her beauty. After she saved the life of Dasaratha in battle, he offered to grant anything she would ask of him. She later calls in this favor to have Bharata crowned king and Rama sent into the forest, inspired by the worlds of her maid, Manthara.


Second wife of Dasaratha. She is the mother of Lakshmana and Shatrughna.


The first wife of Dasaratha and mother of Rama. She is the oldest wife, and very kind and wise. She does not have a close relationship with her husband, but she loves her son Rama very deeply.


An old maid of Kaikeyi's. She is a wicked woman, and gives Kaikeyi the idea to ask Dasaratha to exile Rama and crown Bharata king instead.


King of the hunters, he rules near the wilderness in Shringiberapura. He is fiercely loyal to Rama.


Wife of Dasaratha, mother of Rama. She is wise and kind, but she is not close with her husband; the greatest joy in her life is Rama.


Son of King Dasaratha and Queen Kaikeyi, he is half-brother to Rama, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna. He is devoted to his brother Rama, and he tries desperately to undo the damage committed by his mother Kaikeyi.


Son of King Dasaratha and Queen Sumitra (she drank two sips from the sacred cup, and consequently had twins). His twin brother is Lakshmana, and his half-brothers are Rama and Bharata. He follows his brother Bharata everywhere.


Chief counselor of Dasaratha. He is the one who unwillingly brings Rama into exile.


The sister of Ravana, she is a powerful rakshasi. She attempts to seduce Rama and kill Sita, but the princely brothers attack her. She tries to muster the rakshasa army against Rama.


A rakshasa, uncle of Ravana. Rama defeated him with a purifying magical weapon, and he renounced his evil ways to become a rishi.


A rakshasa, cousin to Ravana. He rules the area of Janasthana, near the forest of Rama's exile. He is very powerful, and likes to kill rishis and despoil sacred rituals.


A powerful golden eagle who speaks in the voice of a human being. He was loyal to King Dasaratha, and pledges his service to Rama. He dies defending Sita from Ravana.


A terrible rakshasa who has the form of a body with no legs or head -- only arms and a gaping mouth. He was transformed into this ugly shape by Indra; formerly, he was a celestial archer. He tells the brothers to seek Sugriva, the prince of vanaras.


The rightful king of the vanaras, a race of magical monkeys. He was usurped by his brother Vali, and pledges his service to Rama and Lakshmana if they can restore him to his throne.


Advisor to Sugriva. He is the son of the wind god Vayu and a vanari woman.


A vanara youth, son of Vali and nephew of Sugriva. He is brave and intelligent.


Young brother of Ravana. Though he is a rakshasa, he is wise and good. When Ravana refuses to listen to his counsel, he joins Rama's army.


A great golden eagle, brother of Jatayu. His wings were burned when he flew too close to the son.


King of the Riksharaj (magical bears). He is an ally of Sugriva and Rama. He is known for his gentle wisdom and quiet strength.


The favorite son of Ravana, and his most powerful warrior. He earned his name after he captured Indra, the king of the gods.


Ravana's brother. He is a giant with infinite strength who sleeps for six months at a time before waking up and eating everything he can see.


An elderly and extremely powerful rishi who blesses Rama. Later when Rama is king of Ayodhya, he comes to Rama's palace and tells him secret tales about the people he met on his journeys