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Thursday, 3 August 2023

Day 3 August 2023- National Watermelon Day

 Day 3 August 2023- National Watermelon Day

On Thursday August 3, 2023, the celebrations begin! With FIVE fun and interesting holidays, you can celebrate in style with National Watermelon Day, National Big Forehead Day, Clean Your Floors Day, National Grab Some Nuts Day, and National IPA Day. Spend the day eating sweet watermelon slices, patting your big forehead buddy, cleaning your floors, enjoying a cold craft beer, and munching on some delicious nuts--all while having a fantastic day

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Day 2 August 2023 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Day 2 August 2023 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Celebrated every year on August 2, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day conjures up visions of our favorite summer treat. It’s a simple thing, really, but oh, what deliciousness! In our American version, take two rectangular or circular flat cookies made of chocolate or oatmeal and match them with your favorite flavor of ice cream. Then, make it into a neat little sandwich. There’s nothing better than the taste of sugary sweet, ice cold creaminess and sometimes, chocolate all together in one outrageously-good dessert!

Many countries around the world have their own version of the ice cream sandwich. In Vietnam, street vendors sell ice cream stuffed between two layers of bread. In Iran, pistachio or rose-flavored ice cream is sandwiched between two thin wafers. But no matter how you stuff it, the good, old Yankee version of an ice cream sandwich on National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is a must!

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Day 1st August - World Wide Web day

Day 1st August - World Wide Web Day

This day is devoted to the World Wide Web, which has made the entire world accessible to us. The significance of the WWW, without which we would not be living in the world as we do today, is highlighted on this day. The goal of World Wide Web Day is to raise awareness of how convenient web browsing is.