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Thursday 19 April 2018

Latest One Liner Questions and Answers

Latest One Liner Questions and Answers 

1. Group of 4 bits forms a — Nibble
2. Barograph was invented by — Lucien Vidi
3. Diabetes is caused by — Low production of Insulin
4. Tectona grandis Linn is the scientific name of — Teak
5. Sea-Anemones belongs to the phylum — Cnidaria
6. What is present inside the nucleus of an atom? — Protons and Neutrons
7. What is baking soda? — Sodium bicarbonate
8. Elephanta caves are in — Maharashtra
9. Kathak is a classical dance from — North India
10. If demand curve for camping tents is D=100000 -17P and supply curve is S=50000 + 8P, find the equilibrium price? — Rs. 2000
11. Value of Total Goods and Services Produced in a country is its — Gross Domestic Product
12. Dissolved oxygen in rivers is close to ______ parts per million. — 5
13. ____ is also known as a Common Water Hyacinth. — Echhromia

14. Rukmini Devi Arindale is associated with — Bharatnatyam
15. Which state does not share a common border with Haryana? — Madhya Pradesh
16. Which planet is also referred to as a ‘Dwarf planet’? — Pluto
17. Who was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, founded in 1828? — Raja Ram Mohan Roy
18. Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal in memory of —Mumtaz Mahal
19. Which actor won the best actor award in the 1stFilmfare Awards? — Dilip Kumar
20. Young’s Modulus is a _____ quantity. — Scalar
21. Which among the following elements is a liquid at room temperature — Mercury
22. How many maximum terms, a person can serve as Prime Minister of India? — No limit
23. If the President declares emergency then this proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within — One month
24. Deepika Kumari is associated with — Archery
25. The Arthashstra was written by — Chanakya

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