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Project Report/Thesis Writing

Friday, 30 July 2021



 251. The foremost astronomer and mathematician of the Gupta period was

(a) Aryabhatta

(b) Varahamihira

(c) Brahmagupta

(d) Vanabhata

Ans: (a)

252. The Gupta artists had attained the highest perfection in

(a) architecture

(b) sculpture

(c) terracotas

(d) painting

Ans: (b)

253. The most important reason(s) for the decline of the Gupta empire was/were

(a) invasions of the Hunas

(b) weak later Gupta rulers

(c) independence of the later Gupta rulers

(d) (a) (b) and (c) above

Ans: (d)

254. After the decline of the Guptas, which of the following cities of North India emerged

as the centre of political gravity of North India?

(a) Ajmer

(b) Kannauj

(c) Dhara

(d) Delhi

Ans: (b)

255. Match the following rulers/ruling dynasties of North India with the centres of their


List-I List-II

A. Maukharis (i) Thaneshvar

B. Pusyabhuti or Vardhans (ii] Kannauj

C. Sasanka (ill) Valabhi Gujarat

D. Maitrakas (iv) Bengal Gauda



(a) I ii iii iv

(b) Ii I iv iii

(c) I iii ii iv

(d) Iv iii ii i

Ans: (b)

256. The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang, called the Prince of Pilgrims visited India during

the reign of

(a) Harsha

(b) Chandragupta II

(c) Dharampala

(d) Devapala

Ans: (a)

257. Harshacharita the biography of Harsha, was written by

(a) Banabhatta

(b) Sudraka

(c) Sri Harsha

(d) Gunadhva

Ans: (a)

258. Harsha was defeated by

(a) Sasanka

(b) King of Valabhi

(c) Bhaskarvarman

(d) Pulkesin II

Ans: (d)

259. Harsha was the last great royal patron of

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Shaivism

(d) Bhagavatism

Ans: (b)

260. After the death of Harsha, a tripartite struggle ensued between the three

contemporary powers for the supremacy of Kannauj. Which of the following was not a

party in the struggle?

(a) Gurjar Partiharas

(b) Rastrakutas

(c) Palas

(d) Paramaras

Ans: (d)

261. What was Chandragupta-II also known as?

(a) Samudragupta

(b) Vikramaditya

(c) Skandagupta

(d) Raanagupta

Ans: (b)

262. That the Rig Vedic Aryana were a pastoral people is borne out by the fact that

(a) there are many references to the cow in the Rig Veda

(b) Most of the wars were fought for the sake of cows

(c) Gifts made to priests were usually cows and not land

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

263. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because

(b) they were from an advanced urban culture

(c) they were taller and stronger

(d) they used elephants on a large scale

Ans: (a)

264. Coins made of metal first appeared in

(a) Harappan Civilisation

(b) Later Vedic Age

(c) Age of the Buddha

(d) Age of the Mauryas

Ans: (c)

265. In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was based on

(a) Education

(b) Birth

(c) Occupation

(d) Talen

Ans: (c)

266. Arrange the following Magadhan dynasties in chronological order:

1. Nandas

2. Sisunagas

3. Mauryas

4. Haryankas

(a) IV, II, III and I

(b) II, I, IV and III

(c) IV, II, I and III

(d) III, I, IV and II

Ans: (c)

267. Which of the following are beliefs of Buddhism?

(i) The world is full of sorrows.

(ii) People suffer on account of desire.

(iii) If desires are conquered, nirvana will be attained

(iv) The existence of God and soul must be recognised.

(a) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Ans: (c)

268. The Greeks were driven out of India by

(a) Bindusara

(b) Ashoka

(c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (d)

269. The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at

(a) Harappa

(b) Mohenjo-Daro

(c) Ropar

(d) Kalibangan

Ans: (b)

270. Who was the court poet of Harsha-vardhana?

(a) Bhani

(b) Ravi Kirti

(c) Bana

(d) Vishnu Sharma

Ans: (c)

271. 'Prince of Pilgrims' was the name attributed to

(a) Fa-Hien

(b) I-tsing

(c) Hiuen Tsang

(d) Megasthenese

Ans: (c)

272. The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music?

(a) Maurya

(b) Nandas

(c) Guptas

(d) Cholas

Ans: (c)

273. The year of accession of Kanishka to throne was

(a) 108 AD

(b) 58 AD

(c) 128 AD

(d) 78 AD

Ans: (d)

274. Kalinga was took place in the year

(a) 263 BC

(b) 240 BC

(c) 261 BC

(d) 232 BC

Ans: (c)

275. The first Grammarian of the Sanakrit language was

(a) Kalhana

(b) Panini

(c) Maitreyi

(d) Kalidasa

Ans: (b)

276. The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of

(a) Chandragupta

(b) Chandragupta-II

(c) Samudragupta

(d) Kumaragupta

Ans: (b)

277. Which one of the following vedas contains sacrificial formulae?

(a) Sama Veda

(b) Yajur Veda

(c) Rig Veda

(d) Athrva Veda

Ans: (b)

278. When did the best productions of Gandhara sculpture appear?

(a) Mauryan Period

(b) Gupta Period

(c) Kushana Period

(d) Harsha Period

Ans: (c)

279. The caves of Ajanta and EIlora belonged to

(a) Jains

(b) Hindus

(c) Buddhists

(d) Sikhs

Ans: (c)

280. Name the temple in Indonesia where scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata are


(a) Brihadeshwara

(b) Angkor Wat

(c) Kailashnath

(d) Borobudur

Ans: (d)

281. The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribution to Buddhism was even greater than

that of Ashoka was

(a) Kadphises

(b) Kanishka I

(c) Vaishka

(d) Huvishka

Ans: (b)

282. The worship of images in India began during the _____ period.

(a) Mauryan

(b) Sunga

(c) Kusana

(d) Gupta

Ans: (c)

283. The concept of Eight-Cold Path forms the theme of

(a) Dipavamsa

(b) Divyavadana

(c) Mahaparinibban Sutta

(d) Dharmachakrapravartana Sutta

Ans: (d)

284. The Camoua ruler of ancient India who is said to have been converted to Jainism,

towards the end of his life, is

(a) Bindusara

(b) Samudragupta

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

285. The harappan economy was primarily___ in nature.

(a) Rural

(b) Industrial

(c) Urban

(d) Capitalist

Ans: (c)

286. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by

(a) Mahayana Buddhism

(b) Jainism

(c) Lokayata School

(d) Hinayana Buddhism

Ans: (b)

287. Who, from among the following rulers, had ruled over the largest part of India?

(a) Kanishka

(b) Chandragupta I

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

288. The Upanishads are a series of books devoted to

(a) Yoga

(b) Social law

(c) Religious rituals

(d) Philosophy

Ans: (d)

289. Which of the following temples has acquired the name of the Black Pagoda?

(a) Sun Temple

(b) Lingaraj Temple

(c) Bhuvaneshwari Temple

(d) Jagannathdeva Temple

Ans: (a)

290. Whom was Ashvaghosha a contemporary of?

(a) Menander

(b) Harsha

(c) Kanishka

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

291. Name the later Gupta ruler who had performed the Ashvaghosha Yajna (Horse

Sacrifice) and assumed the Imperial title of Maharajadhiraj?

(a) Kamarupa

(b) Mahasena Gupta

(c) Adityasen

(d) Kumaragupta III

Ans: (c)

292. With what subject does the Mitakshara deal?

(a) Law

(b) Grammar
(c) Medicine
(d) Theology
Ans: (a)
293. The Mauryan administration was highly
(a) Decentralized
(b) Bureaucratic
(c) Centralized
(d) Despotic
Ans: (c)
294. Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by
(a) Pulakesin-I
(b) Pulakesin-Il
(c) Vikramaditya-I
(d) Vikramaditya-II
Ans: (b)
295. The Buddha's Eight Fold Path did not include
(a) Right Resolve
(b) Right Views
(c) Right Speech
(d) Right Table Manners
Ans: (d)
296. The aim of Ashoka's Dhamma was
(a) Subtle conquest
(b) Religious domination
(c) A casteless society
(d) Non-violence and peace
Ans: (d)
297. By whom had the stupa at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh been built?
(a) Ashoka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta
Ans: (a)
298. The author of Ashtadhyayai is
(a) Charaka
(b) Panini

(c) AIyabhatta

(d) Chanakya

Ans: (b)

299. In the Rigvedic period, after the king the next most Important functionary of the State

was the

(a) Senani

(b) Revenue collector

(c) Magician-doctor

(d) Purohita

Ans: (d)

300. The Indus Valley Civilization has been assigned the period 2500-1800 BC on the basis


(a) Mystical insight by modern seers

(b) Markings on seals

(c) Radio carbon dating

(d) Travellers written accounts

Ans: (c)

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