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Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Day 20 August 2024_World Mosquito Day_

Day 20 August 2024

1. _World Mosquito Day_: This day marks the discovery of the connection between mosquitoes and malaria by Sir Ronald Ross in 1897.

Sir Ronald Ross worked the Indian Medical Service when he made his groundbreaking discovery of the malarial parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of a female mosquito. The discovery allowed scientist to better understand the role of mosquitoes in the malaria. Ross's discovery also provided a starting point for prevention. In 1902. Ross became the first British person to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

6 Mosquito-Born Diseases

There are over three thousand species of mosquitoes in the world today. Of those, only about three cause serious diseases. Some of the most prevalent diseases are:


dengue fever

West Nile

yellow fever

Zika virus


2. _National Radio Day_: Celebrates the invention of the radio and its impact on communication and entertainment.


National Radio Day is a time to honor one of the most longstanding electronic media and its role in our everyday lives. Radio delivers information, news, entertainment and company to millions of Americans every hour of every day. We invite listeners, broadcasters, producers and stations to celebrate on August 20.


Although there is not one authoritative source on the history of National Radio Day, it has been celebrated since the early 1990s on August 20. Perhaps it was decided that August 20 would be an appropriate day because 8MK (now WWJ) in Detroit, first broadcast on August 20, 1920.

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