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Friday, 30 July 2021



 251. The foremost astronomer and mathematician of the Gupta period was

(a) Aryabhatta

(b) Varahamihira

(c) Brahmagupta

(d) Vanabhata

Ans: (a)

252. The Gupta artists had attained the highest perfection in

(a) architecture

(b) sculpture

(c) terracotas

(d) painting

Ans: (b)

253. The most important reason(s) for the decline of the Gupta empire was/were

(a) invasions of the Hunas

(b) weak later Gupta rulers

(c) independence of the later Gupta rulers

(d) (a) (b) and (c) above

Ans: (d)

254. After the decline of the Guptas, which of the following cities of North India emerged

as the centre of political gravity of North India?

(a) Ajmer

(b) Kannauj

(c) Dhara

(d) Delhi

Ans: (b)

255. Match the following rulers/ruling dynasties of North India with the centres of their


List-I List-II

A. Maukharis (i) Thaneshvar

B. Pusyabhuti or Vardhans (ii] Kannauj

C. Sasanka (ill) Valabhi Gujarat

D. Maitrakas (iv) Bengal Gauda



(a) I ii iii iv

(b) Ii I iv iii

(c) I iii ii iv

(d) Iv iii ii i

Ans: (b)

256. The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang, called the Prince of Pilgrims visited India during

the reign of

(a) Harsha

(b) Chandragupta II

(c) Dharampala

(d) Devapala

Ans: (a)

257. Harshacharita the biography of Harsha, was written by

(a) Banabhatta

(b) Sudraka

(c) Sri Harsha

(d) Gunadhva

Ans: (a)

258. Harsha was defeated by

(a) Sasanka

(b) King of Valabhi

(c) Bhaskarvarman

(d) Pulkesin II

Ans: (d)

259. Harsha was the last great royal patron of

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Shaivism

(d) Bhagavatism

Ans: (b)

260. After the death of Harsha, a tripartite struggle ensued between the three

contemporary powers for the supremacy of Kannauj. Which of the following was not a

party in the struggle?

(a) Gurjar Partiharas

(b) Rastrakutas

(c) Palas

(d) Paramaras

Ans: (d)

261. What was Chandragupta-II also known as?

(a) Samudragupta

(b) Vikramaditya

(c) Skandagupta

(d) Raanagupta

Ans: (b)

262. That the Rig Vedic Aryana were a pastoral people is borne out by the fact that

(a) there are many references to the cow in the Rig Veda

(b) Most of the wars were fought for the sake of cows

(c) Gifts made to priests were usually cows and not land

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

263. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because

(b) they were from an advanced urban culture

(c) they were taller and stronger

(d) they used elephants on a large scale

Ans: (a)

264. Coins made of metal first appeared in

(a) Harappan Civilisation

(b) Later Vedic Age

(c) Age of the Buddha

(d) Age of the Mauryas

Ans: (c)

265. In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was based on

(a) Education

(b) Birth

(c) Occupation

(d) Talen

Ans: (c)

266. Arrange the following Magadhan dynasties in chronological order:

1. Nandas

2. Sisunagas

3. Mauryas

4. Haryankas

(a) IV, II, III and I

(b) II, I, IV and III

(c) IV, II, I and III

(d) III, I, IV and II

Ans: (c)

267. Which of the following are beliefs of Buddhism?

(i) The world is full of sorrows.

(ii) People suffer on account of desire.

(iii) If desires are conquered, nirvana will be attained

(iv) The existence of God and soul must be recognised.

(a) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Ans: (c)

268. The Greeks were driven out of India by

(a) Bindusara

(b) Ashoka

(c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (d)

269. The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at

(a) Harappa

(b) Mohenjo-Daro

(c) Ropar

(d) Kalibangan

Ans: (b)

270. Who was the court poet of Harsha-vardhana?

(a) Bhani

(b) Ravi Kirti

(c) Bana

(d) Vishnu Sharma

Ans: (c)

271. 'Prince of Pilgrims' was the name attributed to

(a) Fa-Hien

(b) I-tsing

(c) Hiuen Tsang

(d) Megasthenese

Ans: (c)

272. The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music?

(a) Maurya

(b) Nandas

(c) Guptas

(d) Cholas

Ans: (c)

273. The year of accession of Kanishka to throne was

(a) 108 AD

(b) 58 AD

(c) 128 AD

(d) 78 AD

Ans: (d)

274. Kalinga was took place in the year

(a) 263 BC

(b) 240 BC

(c) 261 BC

(d) 232 BC

Ans: (c)

275. The first Grammarian of the Sanakrit language was

(a) Kalhana

(b) Panini

(c) Maitreyi

(d) Kalidasa

Ans: (b)

276. The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of

(a) Chandragupta

(b) Chandragupta-II

(c) Samudragupta

(d) Kumaragupta

Ans: (b)

277. Which one of the following vedas contains sacrificial formulae?

(a) Sama Veda

(b) Yajur Veda

(c) Rig Veda

(d) Athrva Veda

Ans: (b)

278. When did the best productions of Gandhara sculpture appear?

(a) Mauryan Period

(b) Gupta Period

(c) Kushana Period

(d) Harsha Period

Ans: (c)

279. The caves of Ajanta and EIlora belonged to

(a) Jains

(b) Hindus

(c) Buddhists

(d) Sikhs

Ans: (c)

280. Name the temple in Indonesia where scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata are


(a) Brihadeshwara

(b) Angkor Wat

(c) Kailashnath

(d) Borobudur

Ans: (d)

281. The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribution to Buddhism was even greater than

that of Ashoka was

(a) Kadphises

(b) Kanishka I

(c) Vaishka

(d) Huvishka

Ans: (b)

282. The worship of images in India began during the _____ period.

(a) Mauryan

(b) Sunga

(c) Kusana

(d) Gupta

Ans: (c)

283. The concept of Eight-Cold Path forms the theme of

(a) Dipavamsa

(b) Divyavadana

(c) Mahaparinibban Sutta

(d) Dharmachakrapravartana Sutta

Ans: (d)

284. The Camoua ruler of ancient India who is said to have been converted to Jainism,

towards the end of his life, is

(a) Bindusara

(b) Samudragupta

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

285. The harappan economy was primarily___ in nature.

(a) Rural

(b) Industrial

(c) Urban

(d) Capitalist

Ans: (c)

286. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by

(a) Mahayana Buddhism

(b) Jainism

(c) Lokayata School

(d) Hinayana Buddhism

Ans: (b)

287. Who, from among the following rulers, had ruled over the largest part of India?

(a) Kanishka

(b) Chandragupta I

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

288. The Upanishads are a series of books devoted to

(a) Yoga

(b) Social law

(c) Religious rituals

(d) Philosophy

Ans: (d)

289. Which of the following temples has acquired the name of the Black Pagoda?

(a) Sun Temple

(b) Lingaraj Temple

(c) Bhuvaneshwari Temple

(d) Jagannathdeva Temple

Ans: (a)

290. Whom was Ashvaghosha a contemporary of?

(a) Menander

(b) Harsha

(c) Kanishka

(d) Ashoka

Ans: (c)

291. Name the later Gupta ruler who had performed the Ashvaghosha Yajna (Horse

Sacrifice) and assumed the Imperial title of Maharajadhiraj?

(a) Kamarupa

(b) Mahasena Gupta

(c) Adityasen

(d) Kumaragupta III

Ans: (c)

292. With what subject does the Mitakshara deal?

(a) Law

(b) Grammar
(c) Medicine
(d) Theology
Ans: (a)
293. The Mauryan administration was highly
(a) Decentralized
(b) Bureaucratic
(c) Centralized
(d) Despotic
Ans: (c)
294. Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by
(a) Pulakesin-I
(b) Pulakesin-Il
(c) Vikramaditya-I
(d) Vikramaditya-II
Ans: (b)
295. The Buddha's Eight Fold Path did not include
(a) Right Resolve
(b) Right Views
(c) Right Speech
(d) Right Table Manners
Ans: (d)
296. The aim of Ashoka's Dhamma was
(a) Subtle conquest
(b) Religious domination
(c) A casteless society
(d) Non-violence and peace
Ans: (d)
297. By whom had the stupa at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh been built?
(a) Ashoka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta
Ans: (a)
298. The author of Ashtadhyayai is
(a) Charaka
(b) Panini

(c) AIyabhatta

(d) Chanakya

Ans: (b)

299. In the Rigvedic period, after the king the next most Important functionary of the State

was the

(a) Senani

(b) Revenue collector

(c) Magician-doctor

(d) Purohita

Ans: (d)

300. The Indus Valley Civilization has been assigned the period 2500-1800 BC on the basis


(a) Mystical insight by modern seers

(b) Markings on seals

(c) Radio carbon dating

(d) Travellers written accounts

Ans: (c)

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Thursday, 29 July 2021



201. Which of the following was not the port of the Satavahanas?

(a) Barukkacha

(b) Kalyan

(c) Sopra

(d) Puhar

Ans: (d)

202. Which of the following was the centre of inland trade of the Satavahanas?

(a) Nasik

(b) Srikakulam

(c) Tagara

(d) Surat

Ans: (c)

203. Karikala was the centre of many legends found in

(a) Manimekalai

(b) Silappadhikaram

(c) Purananuru

(d) Kuruntokai

Ans: (b)

204. During the 4th century AD the Western Satraps were conquered by

(a) Sassanian rulers

(b) Afghan rulers

(c) Satavahanas

(d) Kadambas

Ans: (a)

205. Sudarsana lake was reconstructed by

(a) Nahapana

(b) Chashtana

(c) Rudradaman I

(d) Harsha

Ans: (c)
206. The first ruler of the Satavahanas was
(a) Simuka
(b) Govinda
(c) Sri Satakarni
(d) Nahapana
Ans: (a)
207. Naganib was a ___Queen.
(a) Gupta
(b) Andhra
(c) Saka
(d) Pallava
Ans: (b)
208. Which of the following works of Kalidasa gives information about the Andhras?
(a) Sakuntala
(b) Malavikagnimitra
(c) Meghaduta
(d) Kumarasambhava
Ans: (b)
209. Satavahana rule was extended to the Coromandal Coast by
(a) Sri Yajna Satakarni
(b) Pulumayi II
(c) Sri Satakarni
(d) Simuka
Ans: (b)
210. Chashtana was the Satraps of
(a) Gujarat
(b) Malwa
(c) Kathiawar
(d) Kashmir
Ans: (b)
211. Srikakulam was the capital of
(a) Sakas
(b) Pahlavas
(c) Andhras
(d) Ashoka
Ans: (c)
212. In whose court did Asvaghosa live?
(a) Harsha
(b) Samudra Gupta
(c) Kanishka
(d) Ashoka
Ans: (c)
213. The Sunga period saw the growth of one of the following religions. Identify.
(a) Brahmanism
(b) Saivism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Nature worship
Ans: (a)
214. Whose general was Appolodotus?
(a) Euthydemus
(b) Demetrius
(c) Diodotus
(d) Antichos
Ans: (b)
215. Who erected the Garuda pillar at Besnagar?
(a) Bhagabhadra
(b) Heliodorus
(c) Menander
(d) Antialkidas
Ans: (a)
216. During the pre-Gupta age the foreign trade was most extensive with
(a) South East Asian Countries
(b) China
(c) Central Asia
(d) Roman Empire
Ans: (d)
217. Which among the following was not affected by the invasion of the Persians on India?
(a) Script in the North-West
(b) Coinage
(c) Court Ceremonies
(d) Sculpture
Ans: (d)
218. Gandhara School of Art was deeply influenced by
(a) Chinese (Mongolian) art
(b) Hellenic art
(c) Ranion (Persian) art
(d) Local (Indian) art
Ans: (b)
219. Which one of the following was not a characteristic of society in Mauryan times?
(a) Slavery
(b) Rigidity of Caste
(c) Prostitution
(d) Widow remarriage
Ans: (d)
220. The ancient Chola kingdom existed in the delta of the river
(a) Tungabhadra
(b) Cauvery
(c) Krishna
(d) Godavari
Ans: (b)
221. Which of the following statements about Arthasastra is not true?
(a) It prescribes the duty of a king
(b) It describes the then economic life of the country
(c) It lays down the principles of politics
(d) It highlights the need for financial reforms
Ans: (d)
222. What is said to be the original home of the Sungas?
(a) Kalinga
(b) Vidisa
(c) Berar
(d) Bharhut
Ans: (b)
223. Milindapanho is a
(a) History of a dynasty
(b) Prakrit drama
(c) Sanskrit play
(d) Religious conversation
Ans: (d)
224. Who wrote Ashtadhyayi?
(a) Panini
(b) Katyayana
(c) Jayadeva
(d) Bharatha
Ans: (a)
225. The first Persian ruler who occupied part of Indian territory was
(a) Cyrus
(b) Cambyses
(c) Darius
(d) Xerxes
Ans: (a)
226. Alexander the great, was obliged to go back because
(a) he fell ill
(b) he suffered defeat in India
(c) his forces refused to go further
(d) he did not like India
Ans: (c)
227. The one most important feature of the Mauryan Administration was
(a) wide powers enjoyed by the provincial governors
(b) the presence of a 'council of ministers'
(c) the presence of vast, numerous powers of the bureaucracy
(d) an extensive network of spy-system
Ans: (c)
228. The principles of Ashoka's Dharma (Dhamma) were taken from
(a) Buddhism
(b) Jainism
(c) Brahmanism
(d) The moral virtues of all Indian religions of that period
Ans: (d)
229. Which social evil was conspicuously absent in ancient India?
(a) Polygamy
(b) Sati system
(c) Devadasi system
(d) Purdah system
Ans: (d)
230. The greatest Saka ruler of India, who was a great conqueror, is said to have gained
fame by being well-versed in grammar, polity, logic, music etc. and had taken a vow not
to kill men except in battle. Who was he?
(a) Chastana
(b) Nahapana
(c) Rudrasimha
(d) Rudradaman
Ans: (b)
231. The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribution to Buddhism was even greater than
that of Ashoka, was
(a) Kadphises
(b) Kanishka I
(c) Vasishka
(d) Huvishka
Ans: (b)
232. The fourth and the last Buddhist Council was convened by
(a) Ashoka
(b) Menander
(c) Kanishka
(d) Huvishka
Ans: (c)
233. The first image of the Buddha-was carved out during the reign of
(a) Ashoka
(b) Pusyamitra Shunga
(c) Kanishka I
(d) Menander
Ans: (c)
234. The Gandhara-Mathura School of Art, which flourished during the Kushana period and
the foreign influence of
(a) Greece
(b) Rome
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) China
Ans: (c)
235. During the reign of Kanishka, Buddhism for the first time went to China and from
China it went to
(a) Burma and Tibet
(b) Thailand and Cambodia
(c) Korea and Japan
(d) Indonesia and Vietnam
Ans: (c)
236. Who of the following was the personal physician of Kanishka and also the author of a
famous treatise on the Indian system of medicine?
(a) Charaka
(b) Susruta
(c) Nagarjuna
(d) Jevaka
Ans: (a)
237. The worship of images (of Buddha) in India began during the period
(a) Mauryan
(b) Sunga
(c) Kushana
(d) Gupta
Ans: (c)
238. The earliest stratum of the history of the Tamils is known as
(a) Chola Age
(b) Pandyan Age
(c) Sangam Age
(d) Pallava Age
Ans: (c)
239. The Sangam Age in the history of South India represents
(a) The period of Aryanisation of South India
(b) A period when an assembly of a college of Tamil poets was held at Madurai
(c) A literary-cultural phase of the Tamilham during the first three centuries of the
Christian era
(d) Both (b) and (c) above
Ans: (d)
240. During the Sangam Age brisk and nourishing foreign trade was conducted from the
south Indian ports of Muziris, Kaveripattnam or Poom-Puhar and Arikamedu to
(a) West Asia
(b) South East Asia
(c) Roman World
(d) Central Europe
Ans: (c)
241. Which of the following was not one of the ruling dynasties of South India in the
Sangam Age?
(a) Chola
(b) Chera
(c) Pandya
(d) Pallava
Ans: (d)
242. Which of the following is one of the greatest classics of the Sangam literature?
(a) Tikappiyam
(b) Kural
(c) Pattuppattu
(d) Silapadikaram or Manimekalai
Ans: (d)
243. Which of the following is the correct chronological sequence of the ruling dynasties of
northern India, from the decline of the Mauryas to the rise of the imperial Guptas?
(a) Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Kushans, Sakas and Guptas
(b) Sungas, Kushans, Parthians, Sakas and Guptas
(c) Sungas, Kanvas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Guptas
(d) Kanvas, Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Guptas
Ans: (c)
244. The last great ruling dynasty of Magadha was
(a) Sunga
(b) Kanva
(c) Kusana
(d) Gupta
Ans: (d)
245. Kanishka is associated with an era which is known as
(a) Vikram era
(b) Saka-Shalivahan era
(c) Saka era
(d) Gupta era
Ans: (c)
246. The greatest conqueror among the Gupta rulers was
(a) Samudragupta
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Kumargupta
(d) Skandagupta
Ans: (a)
247. A Gupta king has been called an Indian Napoleon and he was also an accomplished
poet and musician (player of Veena) who was he?
(a) Samudragupta
(b) Kumargupta
(c) Chandragupta II
(d) Skandagupta
Ans: (a)
248. The famous Mehrauli Iron Pillar inscription describes the conquest of
(a) Samudragupta
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Chandra of Indraprastha
Ans: (b)
249. The Gupta king who is known in the Indian legends as Vikramaditya was
(a) Chandragupta I
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Chandragupta II
(d) Skandagupta
Ans: (c)
250. The Chinese traveller Fa-hien visited India and left a detailed account of the reign of
(a) Samudragupta
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Kumargupta I
(d) Skandagupta
Ans: (b)

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Wednesday, 28 July 2021



151. Under Mauryas each province was placed under a__.

(a) Prince

(b) Commander

(c) Council

(d) Minister

Ans: (a)

152. Chandragupta Maurya was__.

(a) A benevolent despot

(b) Autocrat

(c) Democrat

(d) A pious ruler

Ans: (a)

153. The mother of Vardhamana Mahavira was a

(a) Lichavi Princess

(b) Maurya Princess

(c) Saka Princess

(d) Not a member of the royal family

Ans: (a)

154. Buddha delivered his first sermon at ______.

(a) Sanchi

(b) Sarnath

(c) Kapilvastu

(d) Vaisali

Ans: (b)

155. The Buddha attained nirvana at ______.

(a) Bodh Gaya

(b) Sarnath

(c) Sanchi

(d) Kusinagara

Ans: (d)

156. The proceedings of the Third Buddhist Council led to the issue of Edict?

(a) Sanchi

(b) Sarnath

(c) Bhabra

(d) Kalinga

Ans: (b)

157. Which of the following is not the name of Kautilya?

(a) Chanakya

(b) Vishnugupta

(c) Dramindacharya

(d) Devaputra

Ans: (d)

158. Kautilya hailed from ______.

(a) Taxila

(b) Srinagar

(c) Pataliputra

(d) Nepal

Ans: (a)

159. Buddha has been described as 'an ocean of wisdom and compassion' In

(a) The Light of Asia

(b) Amarakosa

(c) Buddhacharita

(d) Jatak Tales

Ans: (b)

160. The most important Pahlava ruler was ______.

(a) Mues

(b) Gondophemes

(c) Menander

(d) Darius

Ans: (b)

161. St Thomas died a martyr at _______.

(a) Madras

(b) Bombay

(c) Goa

(d) Surat

Ans: (a)

162. Of the following Kushan Kings who assumed the title "the Lord of the Whole World"?

(a) Kadphises I

(b) Kadphises II

(c) Kanishka

(d) Huvishka

Ans: (b)

163. The Capital of Kanishka Empire was _______.

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Peshawar

(c) Kabul

(d) Taxila

Ans: (b)

164. The fourth Buddhist Council was held at _______.

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Vaisali

(c) Kundalavana

(d) Bodh Gaya

Ans: (c)

165. Alexander was the son of Philip II of ______.

(a) Sparta

(b) Athens

(c) Macedonia

(d) Carthage

Ans: (c)

166. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the battle of ______.

(a) Herat

(b) Kabul

(c) Hydaspes

(d) Arbela

Ans: (c)

167. Alexander the Great died at ______.

(a) Susa

(b) Babylon

(c) Macedonia

(d) Kabul

Ans: (b)

168. The monolithic image of Jain Saint 'Gomatiswara' is at ______.

(a) Mount Abu

(b) Saravanabelgola

(c) Kusinagara

(d) Kalinga

Ans: (b)

169. Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City?

(a) Girnar

(b) Allahabad

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Varanasi

Ans: (a)

170. ___was the mother of Vardhamana Mahavira.

(a) Yasodhara

(b) Kundhavi

(c) Trisala

(d) Mayadevi

Ans: (c)

171. Bhasa was the author of _______.

(a) Mahavamsa

(b) Svapnavasavadatta

(c) Sakunthala

(d) Buddha Charita

Ans: (b)

172. The Monk whom Chandragupta Maurya accompanied to South India was _______.

(a) Asvaghosa

(b) Vasumitra

(c) Upagupta

(d) Bhadrabahu

Ans: (d)

173. Who among the following is not associated with medicine In ancient India?

(a) Dhanvantri

(b) Susruta

(c) Bhaskaracharya

(d) Charaka

Ans: (c)

174. Megasthanes was succeeded by _______ as ambassador?

(a) Darius

(b) Demetrios

(c) Deimachos

(d) Philip

Ans: (c)

175. The Saka Era was founded by

(a) Kadphises I

(a) Girnar

(b) Allahabad

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Varanasi

Ans: (a)

(b) Kanishka

(c) Alexander

(d) Menander

Ans: (b)

176. The famous Indo-Greek Kin, who embraced Buddhism was _______.

(a) Strato I

(b) Menander

(c) Demetrios

(d) Alexander

Ans: (b)

177. Kanlshka was the follower of

(a) Hinduism

(b) Jainism

(c) Hinayanism

(d) Mahayanism

Ans: (d)

178. The Sunga ruler Bhaga erected a monolithic 'Garuda' at _______.

(a) Varanasi

(b) Besnagar

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Pataliputra

Ans: (b)

179. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Kautilya 1. Magadha King

B. Megasthanes 2. Ashoka

C. Bimbisara 3. Arthasastra

D. Upagupta 4. Ambassador



(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c) 1 2 3 4

(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (a)

180. Match the following:

List-1 List-2

1. Sama Veda 1. Kali Age

2. Atharva Veda 2. Philosophical Treatises

3. Puranas 3. Musically rendered

4. Upanishads 4. Magic and spells



(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 2 1 4 3

(c) 1 2 3 4

(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (a)

181. Vardhamana Mahavira died at

(a) Pavapuri

(b) Kundagrama

(c) Pataliputra

(d) Taxila

Ans: (a)

182. The city of Pataliputra was founded at the junction of the Ganges and the ______.

(a) Sone

(b) Brahmaputra

(c) Yamuna

(d) Gomati

Ans: (a)

183. The Nanda dynasty was established by

(a) Vasudeva

(b) Kharavela

(c) Mahapadma

(d) Pushyamitra

Ans: (c)

184. Alexander was trained by

(a) Socrates

(b) Aristotle

(c) Plato

(d) Homer

Ans: (b)

185. Of the following who is called India's Machiavelli?

(a) Asvaghosha

(b) Patanjali

(c) Kautilya

(d) Bana

Ans: (c)

186. Which of the following was the main port for the Indus people?

(a) Lothal

(b) Harappa

(c) Kalibangan

(d) Mohenjodaro

Ans: (a)

187. The Indus people were worshippers of

(a) Mothers Goddess

(b) Indra

(c) Rudra

(d) Varuna

Ans: (a)

188. Vardhamana Mahavira was born at _____.

(a) Bodh-Gaya

(b) Kundagrama

(c) Samath

(d) Benaras

Ans: (b)

189. Bimbisara was succeeded by _____.

(a) Ashoka

(b) Ajatasatru

(c) Vasudeva

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (b)

190. The term 'Aryan' denotes

(a) a speech group

(b) an ethnic group

(c) a nomadic group

(d) a supporter race

Ans: (a)

191. Alexander sent back home a portion of his army under an admiral called ______.

(a) Ptolemy

(b) Nearchos

(c) Menander

(d) Porus

Ans: (b)

192. Pushyamitra Sunga was a staunch ______.

(a) Buddhist

(b) Jain

(c) Hindu

(d) Atheist

Ans: (c)

193. The earliest 'evidence of silver in India is found in the

(a) Harappan culture

(b) Chalcolitchic cultures of western India

(c) Vedic Texts

(d) Silver punchmarked coins

Ans: (b)

194. Which one of the following was initially the most powerful city state of India in the 6th

century BC?

(a) Gandhar

(b) Kamboj

(c) Kashi

(d) Magadh

Ans: (c)

195. Which of the following was another name of Pataliputra?

(a) Purushapura

(b) Kusinagara

(c) Kusumapura

(d) Huvishkapura

Ans: (c)

196. Who was referred to as Amitraghata by the Greeks?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Bimbisara

(c) Bindusara

(d) Vasudeva

Ans: (c)

197. The founder of the Achaemenian Empire was

(a) Cyrus

(b) Darius

(c) Xerxes

(d) Cambyses

Ans: (a)

198. Which of the following was the characteristic feature of the religion of the ancient


(a) Worship of Nature

(b) Worship of Mother Goddess

(c) Worship of Murugan

(d) Worship of Sun

Ans: (c)

199. The most powerful ruler of the Cheras was

(a) Udiyanjeral

(b) Nedunjeraladan

(c) Senguttuvan

(d) Sengannan

Ans: (c)

200. A temple for 'Patini devi' was constructed by

(a) Karikala

(b) Paranar

(c) Senguttuvan

(d) Udiyanjeral

Ans: (c)

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Friday, 23 July 2021

Ancient India Most important question and answer

 🇮🇳Ancient India Most important question and answer







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101. The Eight-fold path was enunciated by

(a) The Buddha

(b) Mahavira

(c) Nehru

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: (a)

102. The Svetambara Jains were

(a) clad in white

(b) clad in black

(c) clad in red

(d) saffron clad

Ans: (a)

103. The Buddha

(a) rejected the theory of Karma

(b) was non-committal on the theory of Karma

(c) believed in the theory of Karma

(d) suggested an alternative to the theory of Karma

Ans: (c)

104. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in

(a) Sanskrit

(b) Pali

(c) Tibetan

(d) Not written in any language but orally transmitted

Ans: (b)

105. The first Buddhist Council was held at

(a) Lumbini

(b) Kapilavastu

(c) Rajagriha

(d) Avanti

Ans: (c)

106. Ashoka was much influenced by Buddhist monk called

(a) Upagupta

(b) Vasubandhu

(c) Ambhi

(d) Asvagosha

Ans: (a)

107. Megasthanes visited India during the period of

(a) Chandragupta II

(b) Ashoka

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Harsha

Ans: (c)

108. Megasthanes was the Ambassador of

(a) Selukos Nikator

(b) Alexander

(c) Darius

(d) The Persians

Ans: (a)

109. “The Indica" was written by

(a) Kautilya

(b) Patanjali

(c) Megasthanes

(d) Panini

Ans: (c)

110. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (b)

111. The main occupation of the Aryans was

(a) Weaving

(b) Agriculture

(c) Trade

(d) Seafaring

Ans: (b)

112. The Rig Veda consists of

(a) 1000 hymns

(b) 1028 hymns

(c) 500 hymns

(d) 2000 hymns

Ans: (b)

113. The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western China by the

(a) Hunas

(b) Rashtrika

(c) Mangols

(d) Bhojakas

Ans: (a)

114. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras?

(a) The Minor Rock Edits

(a) Selukos Nikator

(b) Alexander

(c) Darius

(d) The Persians

Ans: (a)

109. “The Indica" was written by

(a) Kautilya

(b) Patanjali

(c) Megasthanes

(d) Panini

Ans: (c)

110. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (b)

111. The main occupation of the Aryans was

(a) Weaving

(b) Agriculture

(c) Trade

(d) Seafaring

Ans: (b)

112. The Rig Veda consists of

(a) 1000 hymns

(b) 1028 hymns

(c) 500 hymns

(d) 2000 hymns

Ans: (b)

113. The Yueh-Chi were driven out from western China by the

(a) Hunas

(b) Rashtrika

(c) Mangols

(d) Bhojakas

Ans: (a)

114. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras?

(a) The Minor Rock Edicts

(b) The two Kalinga Edicts

(c) Arthasastra

(d) Indica

Ans: (a)

115. During the Mauryan period was In the hands of

(a) three boards

(b) four boards

(c) five boards

(d) six boards

Ans: (d)

116. Which of the following Minor Rock Edicts of Ashoka describes the Conquest of

Kalinga by Ashoka?

(a) No. XIII

(b) No. X

(c) No. XI

(d) No. XII

Ans: (a)

117. Which of the following Vedas is rendered musically?

(a) Rig Veda

(b) Yajur Veda

(c) Sama Veda

(d) Atharva Veda

Ans: (c)

118. Of the following who was the hero of a famous drama Malvlkagnimitra written by


(a) Vasumitra

(b) Vajramitra

(c) Pushyamitra

(d) Agnimitra

Ans: (d)

119. The duties of Dharmamahamatras are explained in the Minor Rock Edict No___.

(a) X

(b) IV

(c) XII

(d) V

Ans: (d)

120. Which of the following subjects is not dealt with in the Puranas?

(a) Primary creation

(b) Secondary creation

(c) Genealogies of gods

(d) Arithmetic

Ans: (d)

121. The Vishnu Purana, gives an account of _____.

(a) Mauryan Dynasty

(b) The Andhras

(c) The Vardhanas

(d) Life in Indus Valley

Ans: (a)

122. A well-organised State machinery was Introduced for the first time by

(a) the Vedic Aryans

(b) Alexander

(c) the Guptas

(d) the Mauryas

Ans: (d)

123. The last Mauryan king was

(a) Pushyamitra Sunga

(b) Ashoka

(c) Harsha

(d) Brihadratha

Ans: (d)

124. Bimbisara was succeeded by

(a) Ashoka

(b) Ajatasatru

(c) Vesudeva

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: (b)

125. The Upanishads are separated from the Brahmanas by treatises called _______.

(a) Vedas

(b) Aranyakas

(c) Epics

(d) Puranas

Ans: (b)

126. The religious movements of Buddhism and Jainism were led by

(a) Sudras

(b) Kshatriya Princes

(c) Vaisyas

(d) Brahmins

Ans: (b)

127. Whom can we call the first national ruler of India?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Kanishka

(c) Harsha

(d) Ajatasatru

Ans: (a)

128. The salient feature of the Rig Vedic religion was worship of

(a) Nature

(b) Pasupatbi

(c) Trimurti

(d) Mother Goddess

Ans: (a)

129. The 'Brahmanas' deals with

(a) The Bhakti Theory

(b) Yoga

(c) Ritualism

(d) Meditation

Ans: (c)

130. Which of the following Gods lost his importance as the first deity during the later

Vedic period?

(a) Varuna

(b) Agni

(c) Vishnu

(d) Rudra

Ans: (a)

131. Which of the following was the God of Animal during the later Vedic period?

(a) Indra

(b) Rudra

(c) Vishnu

(d) Prajapatbi

Ans: (b)

132. Which of the following animals was not known to the people of Indus Valley


(a) Horse

(b) Cow

(c) Goat

(d) Elephant

Ans: (a)

133. When Alexander invaded India, Taxila was ruled by

(a) Ambhi

(b) Porus

(c) Ashoka

(d) Bimbisara

Ans: (a)

134. There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjo-Daro and ______.

(a) Egypt

(b) China

(c) Sumeria

(d) Afghanistan

Ans: (c)

135. The Harappas had commercial relations with _____.

(a) China

(b) Jawa

(c) Mesopotamia

(d) Burma (Now, Myanmar)

Ans: (c)

136. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador sent to the court of ______.

(a) Ashoka

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

(c) Kanishka

(d) Porus

Ans: (b)

137. Mudra Rakahasa was written by

(a) Kalidasa

(b) Visakadatta

(c) Bana

(d) Bharavi

Ans: (b)

138. The Indus Civilisation is noted for its

(a) Art

(b) Scientific Advance

(c) Town Planning

(d) Military Organisation

Ans: (c)

139. The language which contributed to the spread of Buddhism was

(a) Sanskrit

(b) Pali

(c) Tamil

(d) Greek

Ans: (b)

140. Which of the following was the cause of the decline of Buddhism?

(a) Buddhism was founded by a prince

(b) Corruption crept into Buddhist monasteries

(c) Buddha and Mahavira were contemporaries

(d) Buddha preached non-violence

Ans: (b)

141. Which of the following is not included in triratna of Jainism?

(a) Right Knowledge

(b) Right Conduct

(c) Right Faith

(d) Creator

Ans: (d)

142. The Harappans did not know the use of

(a) Copper

(b) Bronze

(c) Gold

(d) Iron

Ans: (d)

143. Ajivikas were _____.

(a) A monastic sect

(b) A sect to Barbarians

(c) Soldiers

(d) Spies

Ans: (a)

144. Dharmamahamatras were ______ during the Mauryans.

(a) Officials

(b) Buddhist Monks

(c) Jain Monks

(d) Soldiers

Ans: (a)

145. During the period of Sungas there was a revival of ______.

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Brahminism

(d) Zoroastrianism

Ans: (c)

146. Of the following who has been considered as a grammarian?

(a) Kautilya

(b) Megasthanes

(c) Patanjali

(d) Kanishka

Ans: (c)

147. Agnimitra was the hero of Kalidas's

(a) Sakuntala

(b) Malavikagnimitra

(c) Megadutta

(d) Mrichhakatikam

Ans: (b)

148. Kanva dynasty was established by

(a) Rudradaman

(b) Vasudeva

(c) Nagarjuna

(d) Kadphises

Ans: (b)

149. Kharavela of Kalinga was a follower of

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Hinduism

(d) Confuciounism

Ans: (a)

150. The capital of the king Kharavela of Kalinga was

(a) Taxila

(b) Pataliputra

(c) Kalinganagara

(d) Pushpapura

Ans: (c)

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Thursday, 22 July 2021

Modhera sun temple

Modhera sun temple Gujarat India

सूर्य मंदिर मोढेरा

The Sun Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to the solar deity Surya located at Modhera village of Mehsana district, Gujarat, India. It is situated on the bank of the river Pushpavati. It was built after 1026-27 CE during the reign of Bhima I of the Chaulukya dynasty. 

शिल्‍प का बेहतरीन नमूना : मोढेरा सूर्य मंदिर गुजरात के पाटन नामक स्थान से 30 किलोमीटर दक्षिण की ओर मोढेरा गॉव में निर्मित है। यह सूर्य मन्दिर विलक्षण स्थापत्य और शिल्प कला का बेजोड़ उदाहरण है। इस मंदिर के निर्माण में जोड़ लगाने के लिए कहीं भी चूने का प्रयोग नहीं किया गया है। ईरानी शैली में बने इस मंदिर को सोलंकी वंश के राजा भीमदेव प्रथम ने 1026 ई. में दो हिस्सों में बनवाया था। जिसमें पहला हिस्सा गर्भगृह का और दूसरा सभामंडप का है। गर्भगृह में अंदर की लंबाई 51 फुट, 9 इंच और चौड़ाई 25 फुट, 8 इंच है। मंदिर के सभामंडप में कुल 52 स्तंभ हैं। इन स्तंभों पर विभिन्न देवी-देवताओं के चित्रों के अलावा रामायण और महाभारत के प्रसंगों को बेहतरीन कारीगरी के साथ दिखाया गया है। इन स्तंभों को नीचे की ओर देखने पर वह अष्टकोणाकार और ऊपर की ओर देखने से वह गोल नजर आते हैं। मंदिर का निर्माण कुछ इस प्रकार किया गया था कि सूर्योदय होने पर सूर्य की पहली किरण मंदिर के गर्भगृह को रोशन करे। सभामंडप के आगे एक विशाल कुंड है जो सूर्यकुंड या रामकुंड के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

खंडित मंदिर : सोलंकी राजा सूर्यवंशी थे, और सूर्य को कुलदेवता के रूप में पूजते थे। इसीलिए उन्होंने अपने आद्य देवता की पूजा के लिए इस भव्य सूर्य मंदिर बनाने का निश्चय किया, इसके चलते मोढ़ेरा के सूर्य मंदिर का निर्माण हुआ। विदेशी आक्रांताओं के हमले के क्रम में अलाउद्दीन खिलजी के आक्रमण के दौरान मंदिर को काफी नुकसान पहुंचा उसने मंदिर की मूर्तियों को भी तोड़ा-फोड़ा, इसीलिए वर्तमान समय में इस मन्दिर में पूजा करना निषेध है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि अलाउद्दीन खिलजी के हमले ने मंदिर को खंडित कर दिया था। फिल्‍हाल इसे भारतीय पुरातत्व विभाग ने इस मंदिर को अपने संरक्षण में ‍ले लिया है।

पुराणों में भी आता है इस मंदिर का उल्‍लेख:  मोढेरा के मंदिर का जिक्र कई पुराणों में किया गया है। जैसे स्कंद पुराण और ब्रह्म पुराण जिनमें कहा गया है कि प्राचीन काल में मोढ़ेरा के आसपास का पूरा क्षेत्र धर्मरन्य के नाम से जाना जाता था। पुराणों के अनुसार ये भी बताया गया है कि भगवान श्रीराम ने रावण के संहार के बाद अपने गुरु वशिष्ट को एक ऐसा स्थान बताने के लिए कहा जहां जाकर वह आत्मशुद्धि कर सकें और ब्रह्म हत्या के पाप से भी मुक्‍ति पा सकें। तब गुरु वशिष्ठ ने श्रीराम को यहीं आने की सलाह दी थी। 

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Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Rani ki vav Patan Gujarat India

Rani ki vav Patan

About the location: The only real sign of Patan’s former glory is this astoundingly beautiful step-well. Located on the banks of the Saraswati River, this is one of the oldest and finest stepwells in Gujarat and is remarkably preserved. Steps lead down through multiple levels with lines of carved pillars and more than 800 sculptures, mostly on Vishnu-avatar themes, as well as striking geometric patterns. The stepwell is made in the form of an inverted temple. It showcases superior craftsmanship of the era, and the unique Maru-Gurjarat architectural style and houses sculptures similar to the Vimalavasahi temple in Mount Abu and Sun temple at Modhera.

Brief History: The stepwell was built in 1063 by Rani Udayamati of the Chaulukya Dynasty to commemorate her husband, Bhimdev I. A 1304 composition of Jain monk, Merutunga, mentions that Udayamati, the daughter of Naravaraha Khangara, built this stepwell at Patan. The same composition also mentions that the stepwell was commissioned in 1063 and was completed after 20 years. Archeologists Henry Cousens and James Burgess visited it in 1890s when it was completely buried under silt and only the shaft and few pillars were visible. The stepwell was rediscovered in 1940s, and the Archeological Survey of India restored it in 1980s. The stepwell has been listed as one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites since 2014.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

Space GK

Space  GK..

 1. Which planet is nearest to the earth?

Answer - MERCURY.

2. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?

Answer - VENUS.

3. Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer - JUPITER.

4. Which Planet Has the Most Moons?

Answer - the planet with the most number of moons is Jupiter with 66


5. Which planet is closest to the sun?

Answer - name of the closest planet to the sun is : Mercury.

6. Which Is the Hottest Planet in the solar system?

Answer - Venus.

7. Which Planets Have Rings around Them?

Answer - Saturn,Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (4 planets).

8. Which is the coldest and smallest of all planets?

Answer - PLUTO.

9. What is the Orbital period of Moon?

Answer - 27 days.

10. Which planet has the most volcanoes?

Answer - Venus.

11. Which planets do not have moons?

Answer - Mercury and Venus.

12. Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others?

Answer - Venus.

13. When was the first man made object sent into space?

Answer - 1957

14. Which planet has approximately the same landmass as Earth?

Answer - Mars.

15. Who was the first person to reach space?

Answer - Yuri Gagarin, in 1961.

16. Who was the first woman to reach space?

Answer - Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963.

17. The Moon orbits the Earth every –

Answer - 27.3 days.

18. When does a lunar eclipse occur?

Answer - when the Earth is between — the Sun and the Moon.

19. At how mush speed Moon moves across the Sun?

Answer - 2,250 km per hour.

20. How many natural satellites of Earth are there?

Answer - one, Moon.

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Sunday, 4 July 2021

Day 4 July - Independence Day USA

 Day 4 July - Independence Day USA

Independence Day USA is celebrated on 4 July. United States Independence Day is also known as the Fourth of July or the Fourth. This day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July, 1776 from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Day 3rd July - National Fried Clam Day

 Day 3rd July - National Fried Clam Day

National Fried Clam Day is celebrated every year on 3rd July. Fried clam is the process of deep-frying the clams after being coated in the bread crumbs and striping it further. This is a traditional way to prepare fried crumbs.

Day 2nd July - National Anisette Day

 Day 2nd July - National Anisette Day

National Anisette Day is observed on 2nd July every year and is popular in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France. Let us tell you that Anisette is anise-flavoured liquor that is made by distilling aniseed and sometimes made by adding sugar.

Day 2nd July 2021 - World UFO Day

Day  2nd July 2021 - World UFO Day

World UFO Day is observed on 2nd July. It was founded by the UFO hunter Haktan Akdogan. The first World UFO Day was celebrated in 2001 and spread awareness among people to gaze at the heavens scanning for unidentified flying objects.

List of Important Days in July 2021

List of Important Days in July 2021

1st July – National Doctor’s Day

In India, Doctor's Day is observed on 1st July to mark the importance of doctors hold in our lives. This day is also meant to commemorate the medical industry and its advancements.

1st July – National Postal Worker Day

National Postal Worker Day is observed every year on 1st July to thank and appreciate all men and women who work consistently and diligently to deliver all our mail and packages.

1st July – Canada Day

Canada Day is celebrated annually on 1st July and it is a statutory holiday. This day marks the anniversary of the formation of the union of the British North America provinces in a federation under the name of Canada. Canada Day also means fireworks and the year's biggest national party.

1st July - Chartered Accountants Day
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was established on 1st July, 1949 and so in India is marked as a  Chartered Accountants Day. It is the second-largest professional accounting and finance body in the world.

1 July - National U.S. Postage Stamp Day
National U.S. Postage Stamp Day is celebrated on 1st July every year to commemorate the existence of Postage Stamps that is used for sending letters and to appreciate the extraordinary works of all the Philatelists.

National Youth Day

1st July - National Gingersnap Day
National Gingersnap Day is celebrated on 1st July every year to enjoy this sweet and savoury treat. Do you know Gingersnaps are cookies mainly made from molasses, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and brown sugar? Basically, it is a combination of sweet and spicy. They are healthier alternatives to other cookies as they are lower in calories.

2nd July - World UFO Day
World UFO Day is observed on 2nd July. It was founded by the UFO hunter Haktan Akdogan. The first World UFO Day was celebrated in 2001 and spread awareness among people to gaze at the heavens scanning for unidentified flying objects.

2nd July - National Anisette Day
National Anisette Day is observed on 2nd July every year and is popular in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France. Let us tell you that Anisette is anise-flavoured liquor that is made by distilling aniseed and sometimes made by adding sugar.

3rd July - National Fried Clam Day
National Fried Clam Day is celebrated every year on 3rd July. Fried clam is the process of deep-frying the clams after being coated in the bread crumbs and striping it further. This is a traditional way to prepare fried crumbs.

4 July - Independence Day USA
Independence Day USA is celebrated on 4 July. United States Independence Day is also known as the Fourth of July or the Fourth. This day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July, 1776 from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

6 July - World Zoonoses Day
World Zoonoses Day is observed every year on 6 July to emphasise and bring problem awareness amongst people and teach them to take the right action. Do you know the first vaccination against a zoonotic disease was administered by Louis Pasteur on 6 July, 1885?

11 July - World Population Day
World Population Day is observed annually on 11 July to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues.

11 July - National 7-Eleven Day
National 7-Eleven Day is observed every year on 11 July. On this day 7-Eleven convenience stores reserve special deals for their customers. Every year it honours its customers in a variety of ways.

12 July - National Simplicity Day
National Simplicity Day is observed annually on 12 July to honour Henry David Thoreau who was an author, philosopher, historian, tax resister, abolitionist, development critic, surveyor, and leading transcendentalist. Basically, he was an advocate for living a life of simplicity.

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas

12 July - Paper Bag Day
Paper Bag Day is observed on 12 July annually to recognise the importance of an invention of Paper Bag that we mostly take it for granted. In 1852, Francis Wolle, a schoolteacher, invented the first machine to mass-produce paper bags.

14 July - Bastille Day or French National Day
Bastille Day is celebrated on 14 July every year. This day marks the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July, 1789 which is a turning point of the French Revolution.

15 July: World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day is celebrated on 15 July every year to raise awareness about the importance of technical, vocational education & training and the development of other skills relevant to both local and global economies.

17 July - World Day for International Justice
World Day for International Justice is observed annually on 17 July every year. It is also known as the Day of International Criminal Justice or International Justice Day. This day recognise the emerging system of international criminal justice.

17 July - World Emoji Day

World Emoji Day is observed on 17 July every year since 2014. The day is celebrated to represent an idea or an emotion through electronic means. 

18 July - International Nelson Mandela Day
International Nelson Mandela Day is observed on 18 July every year. The day celebrates Mandela's life and legacy in a sustainable way that will bring about the needful changes.

22 July – Pi Approximation Day
Pi Approximation Day is observed on 22 July every year because of the value of Pi that is 22/7. Whereas Pi Day is celebrated on 14 March which is similar to the approximate value of 3.14 and also coincides with Albert Einstein’s birthday.

22 July - National Mango Day or Mango Day

It is celebrated on 22 July. The day is to know about the history and some lesser-known facts about the juicy and delicious fruit mango

22 July (Fourth Thursday in July) - National Refreshment Day
National Refreshment Day is observed annually on the fourth Thursday in July which falls on 22 July in 2021. This day is basically to celebrate the fun and refreshment during the hottest time of the year that is in the summers.

24 July - National Thermal Engineer Day
National Thermal Engineer Day is observed every year on 24 July to show the importance of advancing the thermal engineering industry and is provide the electronics industry with innovative, high-quality, and cost-effective thermal management and its packaging solutions.

25 July – National Parent's Day (Fourth Sunday in July)
National Parents Day is observed on the fourth Sunday in July and in 2021 it falls on 25 July. This day is celebrated to honour all the parents who play a vital role in the lives of children. Their unconditional love and sacrifice for their children can't be measured.

26 July - Kargil Vijay Diwas
Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed on 26 July and is named after the success of Operation Vijay. The Kargil war was ended on 26 July which continued approx 60 days. This day is celebrated to honour the Kargil War Heroes.

28 July - World Nature Conservation Day
World Nature Conservation Day is observed on 28 July every year to recognise that a healthy environment is a foundation for a stable and productive society and for future generations. We must protect, conserve and sustainably manage our natural resources.

28 July - World Hepatitis Day
World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on 28 July to generate an opportunity to step up national and international efforts on hepatitis. Also, this day make people aware of the hepatitis disease and its consequences in the life of the people suffering from it.

World Press Freedom Day

29 July - International Tiger Day
International Tiger Day is observed every year on 29 July to spread awareness about the need for the conservation of Tigers, promote the protection of the natural habitat of tigers. This day is also known as Global Tiger Day.

30 July - International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day is celebrated on 30 July to mark the importance of friends and friendship in life. The day also advocates the role that friendship plays in promoting peace in several cultures across the world.

30 July (Last Friday in July) - System Administrator Appreciation Day
System Administrator Appreciation Day is observed annually on the last Friday of July to recognise the time and effort of the administrator’s, device doctors, tech-therapists who sacrifice and work their magic at unsocial hours. This year in 2021 it falls on 30 July.

Important Days in July 2021


Name of Important Days

1 July

National Doctor’s Day

1 July

National Postal Worker Day

1 July

Canada Day

1 July

Chartered Accountants Day (India)

1 July

National U.S. Postage Stamp Day

1 July

National Gingersnap Day

2 July

World UFO Day

2 July

National Anisette Day

3 July

National Fried Clam Day

4 July

Independence Day USA

6 July

World Zoonoses Day

11 July

World Population Day

11 July

National 7-Eleven Day

12 July

National Simplicity Day

12 July

Paper Bag Day

14 July

Bastille Day

17 July

World Day for International Justice

18 July

International Nelson Mandela Day

22 July

Pi Approximation Day

22 July 

National Refreshment Day (Fourth Thursday in July)

24 July

National Thermal Engineer Day

26 July

Kargil Vijay Diwas

25 July

National Parent's Day (Fourth Sunday in July)

28 July

World Nature Conservation Day

28 July

World Hepatitis Day

29 July

International Tiger Day

30 July

International Friendship Day

30 July

System Administrator Appreciation Day  (Last Friday in July)